Some Links which may prove useful or informative. Visiting them will provide a wealth of information for you (much more than I can descibe here, without repeating or copying their content). Enjoy! SWAT Urban Based at Saighton Camp near Chester, UK.
This site is used for CQB (Close Quarters Battle) and offers a more urban environment in which to Airsoft from building to building. Plenty of hire kit available for those just starting out including AEG’s and combat kit. Various scenarios on offer for both beginner and the more experienced. Check out the website for more details. Come along you’ll enjoy it, look forward to seeing you.
Contact Paul or his staff on:
HEAD OFFICE PHONE 0151-644 1611
Tell them Yosser sent you!SWAT Wirral Based at Parkgate, Wirral, UK.
Run by the same great team that makes up SWAT Urban your bound to have fun at this great woodland site which contains log forts and barricades which make for some great scenarios. Same contact details as above. They also run paintball events at this site if that takes your fancy! Check out the website for more details and directions etc.

This guy’s a legend on Youtube. Check out his AEG gun reviews. Sadly, I think he’s now stopped due to ill health. His reviews will live on.Useful info on a lot of Chinasoft AEG’s in his collection via Youtube just search for Foxtrottangoone or his old handle Flankertanker.

For all the latest in Airsoft head on over to Arnies.

Run by a group who live and play Airsoft in the Noth West (UK) these forums are dedicated to all things Airsoft. Need advice about getting started, sites to play at or general Apres Airsoft, come and relax amoungst friends and get some!
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