I don’t know how these guys do it, but importantly THEY DO! They keep pulling new tricks out of the bag to make EACH Airsoft Arms Fair not only BIGGER and BETTER but also each one ALWAYS has something new to show off to the Airsofting Fraternity.
AAF4 will stand out for me, not only because it’s the first one to be held over a full weekend (8th and 9th October) but also it saw the introduction of a great new pistol shooting sport AIPSC (Airsoft International Practical Shooting Confederation). You measure target accuracy and time over a course where you have to move to each firing position in turn, then finish off by hitting a small metal target and that in a nut shell is AIPSC. You need to be agile, quick on the draw and shoot accurately after fast movement between targets to succeed! Needless to say I wasn’t much good at it, but I gave it a go and enjoyed the experience immensely. What a great excuse to get those skirmish pistols dusted off and working!
If the AIPSC wasn’t enough Edgar Bros in alliance with Sterling Airsoft also had some CQB training Lanes on the go all weekend for those seeking a team based thrill and some Real Deal training. Also, Airsoft Odyssey courtesy of Edgar Bros managed an EXCLUSIVE early peek at the yet to be released Magpul PTS M4, this is NOT the G&P licence, but its very OWN release! And very sexy it looks too, but more on that in a separate article!
Of course all the BIG names in the airsoft retail world were in attendance and some new faces such as Intelligent Armour with a great selection of real deal Potomac shirts and under armour, and TLSFx with a great demo of some of their Pyros, great for those re-enactments, and mil-sim events.
With an even BIGGER marquee to house the retailers and stands the AAF is really going places and to help ease the pressure the event has been put on over 2 days, in order to accommodate the growing number of attendees. The AAF provides a great opportunity to meet face to face some of the staff behind the scenes at many of our favourite websites from the likes of LandWarrior, AirsoftDirect, and PatrolBase to name drop just a few retailers (for the full list see the AAF website) and of course new comers on the block like Airsoft Action Magazine who were present and getting their publication in front of attendees (you can catch up with MY review of their magazine here). But let’s not forget the private seller pitches who had a strong presence, what a great opportunity to sell on all that mountain of spare gear we all seem to accumulate throughout our airsoft ‘careers’.
Now when you go to AAF just make sure you have enough spends, or a sub from the wife, as you’ll find shed loads to buy from the very latest must have Gucci kit to that pistol you’ve always wanted and all those little bits and pieces we always ‘need’ for our kit bags. Luckily for me I was able to pick up some nice tac gear to match my ATACS load-out from ‘The Shop @ the Grange’ and a very nice hard rifle case from Airsoft Direct, make sure your early for those short in supply items though. You’ve been duly warned, you can spend a fortune here, easily!
A Great must attend event, a Great day out and they still improve it event after event. ROLL ON 19th MAY 2012 for the next one. See YOU there?
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Follow @Airsoft_Odyssey
And of course checkout MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL for more great AAF videos! Past & Present You can even SUBSCRIBE!
Thanks to Marie, Jim and all the marshalls and organisers that make this event so successful.
Checkout the Airsoft Arms Fair website for future dates & events

This Article & pictures are copyright 2011 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page.
1 Comment
I couldn't have put it better myself Yosser!
The AAF was an awesome experience, one that all airsofters should try and attend at least once. The organisers were helpful and on the ball with requests made to them. The stalls inside the tent were laid out well and displayed the products to their advantage. Private sellers were happy to chat about the guns, gear and kit they were selling and allowed people to try before they bought.
The AIPSC stand, although I'd seen real steel versions, was fairly new to me and was a thouroughly enjoyable experience. Definitely different from Skirmishing.
There was ample car-parking space, which was staffed all day, as was the entry gate and range. This is a definite for next May. I can't wait!
Posted on October 12, 2011 at 12:31 PM
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