KitbagArmoury SiG 552 ‘Commando’ by ICS - A Review by Yosser
With a reputation for quality AEG’s produced by ICS expectations were high when this latest offering landed on my doorstep.
The package this comes in seems to be a break from some of the more traditional boxes we see from the cheaper Chinasoft range (not ICS of course), without the usual line drawings or just names on the front box lid. The front has full colour pictures of both types of the SiG552 in either ‘SWAT’ (full length) or the ‘Commando’ (shortened, carbine) models. It proudly announces that it is manufactured under official licence from SiG Arms, Switzerland and the box is manufactured to be a one size fits all solution for packaging both model variants in.Opening the box, the SiG sits nicely in its red plush/velour effect carton/plastic base along with cleaning rod and 2 ICS Clear High-cap magazines. The battery is supplied separately and does NOT come supplied with the AEG.
Looking at the SG552 in more detail it is obvious to see the benefits of the licensing agreement that ICS have hammered out with Swiss Arms, with full trades marked onto the full metal body of the AEG. I’m not sure how long these trades will last as they don’t appear to be embossed so they may well wear off over time (something to think about if you like to keep your AEG’s as ‘models’). The only obvious ABS plastic parts on it are the folding stock, fore grip and the 3 RIS rails mounted on the fore grip as well as the ‘pistol grip’. The body (both upper and lower receivers), muzzle end and sights are full metal. The sights are your typical H&K Diopter type (not to every ones taste, but I like them) – these look adjustable – but not sure how useful this is in Airsofting terms. The foresight also has a flip down element blade, which I think is for reduced lighting conditions and has adjustment. The body is grey coloured whilst the rest of the AEG ABS plastic parts are Black. The body also has a cocking bolt on RHS which locks back to reveal and adjust the enhanced cylinder style hop up unit (which I’m told is typical for ICS). The bolt (see skirmish report) is released by pressing the bolt release catch (also metal) on the LHS of the receiver. Firing selector is ambidextrous and is metal. The trigger guard folds, to allow those with MASSIVE fingers to pull the trigger, or just those with thick gloves. In order to use the body mounted sling points you will need to add a metal ring to be of any use and whilst I’m at it I think they missed a trick by not adding a body mounted RIS rail for red dots etc.
The two parts of the receiver come apart easily for cleaning and maintenance. Removing just one front end body pin (which you can push out with a little force) then open up and remove the fore grip (you do just up to this part to replace battery). Press the ICS Logo button near the stock end on the upper receiver and the top receiver should slid away to the front. The top section holds your barrel and hop up unit. Whilst the lower holds the gear box etc. just be careful not to trap any wires going to the front fore grip section when putting it back together.
The stock on this AEG is solid. Really, really solid. You could say it was more solid than a solid thing that went to the school of solid and then graduated from the University of Solid. No wobble, what so-ever! Press the button and fold the stock around (to the RHS) and lock in position to its latch on the receiver body. It takes quite a tug to get it off, just watch you don’t catch anything when you lock it back in position. Just wondering if this is going to last after a good few skirmishes though (might be just my paranoia kicking in).
Although I’ve yet to have this AEG apart, from the blurb it features :
Metal gear box,
Metal bevel gears and metal bushings fitted as standard.
Turbo 3000 motor
High Quality silicone wiring loom
The battery in this AEG sits in the fore grip section, which on the Commando version is a right pain to fit. It’s a tight fit, trying not to trap and pinch any wiring and getting it to go back together. I wouldn’t like to replace this in the middle of a skirmish. A 3 point large battery pack sling probably wouldn’t go amiss here.
The magazines supplied are 2x300Rd clear plastic type and are of good quality
(which you would expect from ICS). I liked the clear aspect of the mags and the facility to clip them together like the G36’s was excellent. One fully wound mag seemed to empty upon firing without further winds (just need more of them now).
All in all I would give this AEG 8/10.
I have a few small gripes but nothing too major and its build quality is excellent. It scores highly in looks and feel but its skirmish-ability I feel is let down by a small battery.
The AEG was purchased from ZeroOne for £285 which also included a ‘downgrade’ to a One Joule spring which FPS’d to around 302 on first chrono.
Good quality and finish
Quality manufacturer
Spares readily available.
Clip together magazines
Solid Folding stock – great for woodland and urban
Light weight despite metal parts
Nice touches such as bolt release catch and trade markings
Fitting the battery is a big pain in the arse
Should have had body mounted top RIS
Easy to drop mags if your not used to the magazine release catch by trigger – easy to catch on webbing etc.
Trades will probably wear off.Skirmish Update:
The bolt handle came off in my hand! and I couldn’t adjust hop-up for a little while before realising it just slots back in (Doh!). I need to check this doesn’t get lost in future events. Also lost the mags a few times whilst trying to dodge air strikes and caught the mag release catch without realising (thanks to Wolf for finding them!).
The range on the so-called enhanced hop-up seemed disappointing – but this could be down to a number of factors – new gun, needing to ‘bed’ in, poorly adjusted hop or undercharged battery. Time will tell.
ZeroOne will only guarantee it for use with an 8.4v battery and the one I got was only 1100mAh – so only really lasted for 2 full auto games. Really needs a larger battery. Don’t think I would like to be changing it mid skirmish (although it is advertised as quick change, I find it fiddly at best).
Things I would change on the AEG apart from the battery which I’ve already griped about. These are really small items like full metal front end RIS to replace the cheapo plastic ones and add a metal RIS rail along the top receiver for the addition of red-dots etc. Otherwise, I’m happy with this RiF and would definitely recommend this brand to anyone starting out in Airsoft – although they are expensive, as they say you get what you pay for and people have said it should ‘last’.

UPDATE: See the newly issued ICS battery Guide to this AEG Here
UPDATE: See the shiny new ICS accessories you can get for your SiG Here
This review is copyright 2009 by Yosser Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. Pictures are copyright of EllieTDog Studios ©. You may link to this page.
Hey there, I've read the integrity of your review and I have quite a bit of questions for you ;) .
- Can you fit a 9v6 in there, I have the TM version and I can't fit a 9v6 battery but it is said that the ICS version has more space :) .
- Did you test its range, in feet ?
- How's the rate of fire :D ?
Thanks for the review mate, I'm waiting for my ICS sig 552 to come :O .
Posted on March 18, 2009 at 7:09 PM
Sorry you can't fit the 9.6v battery to it. The front hand guard is too small, but the gear box if tough enough to fit a Lipo - still trying to source one myself. (You could fit a large batt if you use either a 3 point batt sling or a PEQ)
Range & ROF are so subjective and dependant upon spring battery etc thats why I've not posted them.
Thanks for the comment and rating let me know how you get on and if you find a bigger battery etc.
Posted on March 18, 2009 at 8:45 PM
Thanks mate :) , I'll receive it soon... can't wait (I'm a sig 55* freak) !
I'll check out what I will get to fit in there ;) .
Posted on March 19, 2009 at 7:08 PM
Whats up dude. I just bought the ICS SIG 552. It's pretty sick, but I haven't even fired it yet as I cannot fit the battery I was sent. What was your solution? (other than a battery box)I'd like to preserve the classic shape of this gun, so a bettery inside the foregrip is key for me. How is the accuracy. Also, did you ever find out if the internals would support a LiPo? ICS's website seems to suggest that, although its kind of hard to tell. Rock on homie.
Posted on April 1, 2009 at 2:10 AM
If you ordered a battery from the same supplier for this AEG I'm assuming it's the correct one, so should fit! The fitting is difficult and you'll just have to persist I'm afraid. Try putting the 3 cell section in the bottom section of the foregrip and the four cell section in the upper part. I understand what you mean about not wanting to spoiling the classic lines. Still hunting for a lipo which research shows the gearbox should be up to as it's re-enforced. Good luck and enjoy the SiG. See the ICS battery guide on this site.
Posted on April 3, 2009 at 6:01 PM
For your information, I'm the same guy as post 1-2-3 but not post 4.
To be honest, I'm afraid to try out the Lipo battery... just can't take the risk, plus I'm not a ROF freak. I still didn't receive it, its coming directly from Taiwan (or wherever ICS is situated) because there aren't any stocks holding this gun in my country yet.
You suggested a battery separated in two parts , where the heck do you get those type of batteries (or are you talking about Lipo batteries) ?
Posted on April 8, 2009 at 3:58 PM
Good luck with the AEG when you get it. You'll enjoy it I'm sure. Suitable battery like in this link.
I use one - it's not easy installing but it seems the only one I can find until I source a LiPo.
Posted on April 8, 2009 at 5:38 PM
Thanks for the quick reply, but why don't you just get this ? The dimensions look proper.
Posted on April 8, 2009 at 6:31 PM
I was just giving you a guide as to what does fit - can't say for the one you linked to - the width of each cell section of 29.5 looks a little wide to me. If you try them please let me know if they fit easily. I'm sure other SiG552 owners would like to know. The battery fits over and under the barrel in the forgrip - it's a tight fit.
Posted on April 8, 2009 at 8:41 PM
Hey, I had a quick question about this gun. First of all i just bought one before doing a lot of looking. I'm glad to say i like it a lot, but up grades are hard to find. I see what you mean about the battery problem but most of all the RIS is weak. So, would you have any ideas of where to buy rail additions or a new non plastic front grip? Thank you, Trent.
Posted on April 9, 2009 at 8:29 AM
check out wolf armories and do a search for SiG parts i.e. this:
They used to have metal Rail side mounts but not seen any for a little while. Should solve the problem. Any battery advice?
Posted on April 9, 2009 at 11:47 AM
Thanks they have the metal rail system, and for a good price. Anyways i have no idea about the battery situation. All i can say is buy a second and get a good hiding place, because there is no room for much else. Thanks again and good luck.
Posted on April 9, 2009 at 7:31 PM
Glad I could help. I've got a spare battery - it's one of the 1st things I brought - just a pain in the ass to change!
Posted on April 9, 2009 at 9:38 PM
By the way, why did you downgrade your sig ?
Posted on April 11, 2009 at 5:41 PM
The SiG was 'downgraded' to a 1 Joule spring as I didn't want to wait for the bedding in process of the spring. Our site limit is 350FPS - brand new they tend to be a little hot. With a 1J spring it was 'guaranteed' to be less than this. Last test it came in approx 310-320ish
Posted on April 11, 2009 at 6:48 PM
The original ICS SiG comes with an M120 spring which corresponds to about 1,5 joules (395 FPS), and that is exactly why I'm getting the ICS version of the SiG 552, usually I always upgrade my AEGs to an M120 spring.
If 350 FPS is your FPS limit then I presume that you play CQB matches, right ?
Posted on April 11, 2009 at 7:48 PM
Yes at SWAT Urban it's pretty intense CQB action. Most site limits in the UK tend to be around the 350 mark anyway - so I can use it anywhere (some sites maybe lower in CQB 320 etc).
Check out some of the vids.
Posted on April 12, 2009 at 9:09 AM
Oh, by the way, I'm gonna get a 6.03mm tight bore barrel, the stock gun comes with a 6.08mm barrel which sucks.
Posted on April 13, 2009 at 5:01 PM
Can this be used with the TM SG552 mags, the one with the fake rounds?
Posted on April 21, 2009 at 10:31 AM
I have a 'short' TM mag but I can't say it feeds that well. The ICS ones are much better and larger capacity. I've yet to see any of the 'fake' Ammo TM ones here in the UK yet. Please let us know how you get on with them.
Posted on April 21, 2009 at 1:42 PM
Hey I'm not the same guy as post n.19 but the fake bullet TM mags seem to double feed on the ICS sig 552.
Hey I've got a question, did your ICS SiG 552 come with trademarks, because mine didn't.
Posted on April 21, 2009 at 8:57 PM
Yes in the UK it comes with full trades. The pictures on this review are of my SiG552 and you can see the trades clearly. Not sure where your from but possibly the manufacturer may have issues with trades in the USA etc - not sure. Unless you have an early pre-production model? Thanks for the info on the TM 'fake' bullet magazines.
Posted on April 21, 2009 at 10:02 PM
I live in Switzerland, I doubt there could be any problems.
Posted on April 22, 2009 at 12:24 PM
I have to say though, that I'm disappointed with this gun.
Firstly the fore grip moves front and back.
Secondly it double feeds often.
Thirdly it didn't come with trademarks
Fifthly the cocking lever slips off if you release it and let it slap against the gun.
Sixthly I can't even get an 8.4V mini in it.
And finally I tried the Lipo 11.1V and it screwed the fire selector up: when on Semi it shoots burst or it works as though its in safety mode.
Posted on April 22, 2009 at 4:06 PM
I can only comment from my experience with this AEG and it has been mostly positive. I've not had any problems with the fore grip - But fitting the battery correctly is a huge problem. As for the cocking lever It's supposed to be able to come off but this easily? As for LiPO thanks for the tip. Sorry your experience has been as positive. Is it possible you have a very early production run of this AEG?
Posted on April 22, 2009 at 4:36 PM
I don't think I have an early production version of the gun because I ordered it later then you.
I got it from my local shop, and he gets it directly from ICS, I asked him to check with ICS for the trademarks to see if its normal for where I live not to have any.
When the cocking lever slips off it doesn't slip off completely.
Posted on April 22, 2009 at 5:32 PM
One more question, does this 552 accept the TM top picatinny rail or will it be a difficult fit? I already am quite set on it if not for the conflicting reviews, but I do like the overall looks of it, just hope that I don't end up with a lemon.
Posted on April 24, 2009 at 6:38 AM
I've no idea about the top rail, I've been trying to find one in the UK in stock. When I get one I'll add it to the blog.
Posted on April 24, 2009 at 9:59 AM
The TM top rail jiggles a tiny tiny tiny bit, but I still use it.
Posted on April 24, 2009 at 4:24 PM
thanks for adding that comment about the TM top rail. Thats useful for us all to bear in mind.
Posted on April 24, 2009 at 6:18 PM
With the problems that my gun has I'll see if I can get my money back.
I'm so damn sad...
By the way I'm poster n.1, 3, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 26, 29.
Posted on April 25, 2009 at 12:11 PM
sorry you've had to do that. In a way i don't blame you if you've had that many problems. No idea what's gone wrong with your AEG. Good luck with future purchases.
Posted on April 25, 2009 at 6:03 PM
hey i have the sig-552 and every once in a while the will be like a loud clunk and nothin will come out. the only way i can get it to stop is bye turning the wheel in mag but i know that that isnt the problem plz help
Posted on May 27, 2009 at 10:47 PM
Not sure I can help on this one, never encountered it myself. Is this a double feed issue? You should be able to do a google search as I've come across other websites which cover that. Otherwise sorry no idea (ensure your using good quality BB's and you fully wind your magazine as this should empty it being ICS!
Posted on May 28, 2009 at 9:21 PM
There's one question I need to ask you: at the front of the rifle, is the fake gas tube twistable. If it is, then it should pop off and reveal a phillips head screw, which when removed allows the front sgiht assembly to be removed. You don't have to remove it, but I just need to no if the fake gas tube moves in as clockwise direction. To do so, depress the button beside the fake gas tube.
Posted on June 30, 2009 at 2:17 AM
Another thing after reading your skirmish report. If the front sight assembly is removable, you can buy a full metal front handguard that has four rails on top, bottom, left, and right. You can also buy a marui scope mount for twenty buck off airsplat or ehobbyasia (preferably ehobby). The RIS handguard will run $45.99 without shipping, and shipping will range from 9-19 dollars (for me it did, and I'm on the east coast and that's farthest from Hong Kong). The 552 is much more modular than people may belive, and ICS is coming out with some new accessories to make the 552 into a DMR. Check their main site.
Posted on June 30, 2009 at 2:27 AM
not sure which direction the fake gas tube turns but looking in the manual the full front end comes off as you said. The accessories look awesome on the ICS website thanks for pointing them out.
Posted on June 30, 2009 at 9:03 PM
Darn it, I forgot to ask you another question. Is the flash hider removable, too? If so, is it a counter clockwise thread? Sorry for so many questions.
Posted on July 1, 2009 at 1:02 AM
is the barrel threaded? does the flash hider come off?
Posted on July 1, 2009 at 5:59 PM
Yes the barrel is threaded and the flash hider comes off according to the manual - it doesnt say the direction.
Posted on July 1, 2009 at 9:59 PM
anyone knows if proud tactical ris fit into ics version
Posted on July 15, 2009 at 11:38 AM
I asked a similar question above. Since the front sight assembly is removable the way it is on a Marui or JG, then, in theory, the ICS 552 should accept any airsoft 552 RIS.
Posted on July 17, 2009 at 1:14 PM
So, for the sake of clarity, a battery like this:
Will not fit in the ICS 552?
Posted on August 20, 2009 at 12:16 AM
not with out modifying it! - did you read this bit on the link you gave?
"Pack Size:Modification required to fit the SIG552, remove the battery plate and rail, dremel flat the inside raised bosses for the square rail nuts and the pack fits perfectly!"
This is not something I would do to my 'precious' SiG 552!
The norml 4/3 cell configs fit but are just a bugger to do so quickly without being a pain in the arse! These will fit:
Posted on August 22, 2009 at 4:47 PM
hello mate:) I have a couple of questions...
how long does the battery last?
how long would the bbs last if u use semi auto/auto for a 3 on 3 match?
Posted on March 28, 2010 at 12:02 AM
Hi Dan,
All your questions are quite subjective - the answer is 'is it depends upon the battery size & your skirmishing style' - lots of full-auto will deplete the battery quicker.
From a 1100mah batt. I get about a half days skirmish (maybe a little over) with a good mix of full auto action.
As to how long a mag of BB's will last? - I can empty a mag in about 30 secs on full auto with a Lipo battery! so that depends on what your doing!
Hope this helps.
Posted on March 28, 2010 at 7:09 PM
hello its dan again :)
i live in canada so i cant find any ics sig 552. the only sig avalible is the JG sig 552 for $230 canadian.should i get it. it looks like a pretty good gun. will it last long? and how long did your last?
how much was the ics sig?
thank you :)
Posted on May 24, 2010 at 5:25 PM
Hi Dan,
I'm sure a JG SiG will do just fine for you but will prob need upgrades if you want to run LiPo's etc. Its quality will not be upto ICS's but if you look up Flankertankers review in Youtube you should get the info you want. My ICS 552 is still going strong and costs about 285 UKP from Zero One in the UK. Let me know how you get on with the JG - I'd be happy to post your review of it here.
Posted on May 25, 2010 at 12:55 PM
thank you
but i recently called the canadian retailer and hes out of stalk! so i went on and the only gun i found is the sig field kit.
please leave your opinion on this gun.
i mainly do cqb backyard
thank you :)
Posted on May 25, 2010 at 10:01 PM
NO leave that well alone - its just a toy rather than a RiF of any quality.
Its up to you at the end of the day and your wallet of course - I'd wait and save up or look for an alternative. Good Luck (The JG would be well better than that link you sent).
Posted on May 26, 2010 at 10:13 PM
Lol I know
Posted on June 3, 2010 at 12:18 AM
I've just picked up my 552, straight out the box it is a very solid gun. It's ready to run 7.4 lipos and give an rof of around 15, these also fit inside the fore grip. Had the spring changed as it was running hot at 395 - 399 fps, now at 344 - 349. All in all an awesome bit of kit. Already added a fore grip handle and suppressor and got a top rail in the post.
Posted on July 13, 2011 at 4:59 PM
hey would a jg sig 552 mag fit on this
Posted on February 13, 2012 at 10:36 PM
Should do i reckon - although i have had feed issues with a TM 552 magazine! and the G&G 552 mag fine works as well in the ICS 552.
Posted on February 14, 2012 at 3:44 PM
Still using this gun? I just ordered one.
I am planning on running a 7.4v 1600mah battery inside the handguard. Also got big plans on upgrading it. Share your experience with this rifle! Grtz Stryker
Posted on June 20, 2013 at 8:00 AM
yep still use it - and its still my favorite! get the MRS rail (unless you buy ur's with one) and look out for the mid-caps from ics as well
Posted on June 23, 2013 at 8:46 PM
Hmm... I am definitely getting the rails.
Also adding an Eotech Holosight,363mm precision barrel + barrel extension (silencer). Foregrip.
I got my inspiration for upgrading from the movie Assault on Precinct 13. :P
What do you think of internals? Should i leave them untouched or is it worth upgrading the stock parts?
Grtz Stryker
Posted on June 24, 2013 at 8:12 AM
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