Introducing a Dedicated North West Airsoft Retailer: 'Dingodog's Airsoft & Tactical Supplies' - A Review by Yosser
Imagine if an Airsoft retailer opened up for business in the North West of England? Well dream no more because Dingodog's Airsoft & Tactical Supplies have opened their doors on the Wirral. Located at 157 Telegraph Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH607SE (above Baines Jewellers, opposite Costa Coffee) use the little door to the left of the jewellers and of course keep any RiF's covered and don't wander into the jewellers - unless you want to see the Police armed response unit! Opening times are 9:30 to 17:30 Monday to Saturday.
**Now Open Late night Thursdays till 7:30**
This great little shop is split into 2 distinct areas, Airsoft and Tactical Gear, I did feel like a kid in a sweet shop with all that tasty kit on offer. In the 'tactical' room you are surrounded by boots, ESS eye protection, Mechanix Wear, Helikon camogrom (a cheaper, quality alternative to Multicam), as well as Blackhawk, pouches and backpacks galore (including some special MTP like ones!). The 'Airsoft' room had the usual AEG's & Pistols on the wall, including some custom built jobs and not forgetting the extra special Magpul PTS Masada in Flat Dark Earth, an early production model for customers to drool over and touch, as well as all the Mapul PTS upgrade parts your AEG could possible want. Also in this room is an impressive collection of the more mundane parts for our hobby such as pistons, springs, batteries, wires, connectors, everything to maintain, repair and upgrade your AEG in fact. If you need it then Dingo's probably has it!
Dingo also offers a Servicing & Repair service for your precious AEG as well as Upgrades from his shop and a 'Pimp my My AEG' service using genuine Magpul PTS parts. Now thats probably the only service of its type in the North West!
Although the shop is smallish, Dingo's is a dealer for G1098 & Aimpoint as well as being a Full Line Dealer for SureFire, ESS, and Blackhawk so if its not in stock he can get it very quickly as well as offer sound advice on equipment from these companies. It is great to have this kind of shop in the North West and as time goes on I'm sure his range and products will expand, lets hope he does, as this is a great resource for NW Airsofters, for too long we have had to either rely on the internet or drive to the Midlands for our nearest airsoft shop fix.
The shop is owned and run by Dennis Appleton aka 'Dingodog' to those that know him and he is a regular Airsoft skirmisher of some years standing now so good helpful advice is always on hand should you need it. Dingo's is a great shop full of upgrade parts, tactical kit and everything you could possibly want for a good skirmish! And if he doesn't have it in stock he can probably order it for you!
If Carlsberg did Airsoft Boutiques it would look like this!
Make sure you pay a visit to his shop for the Grand-Opening scheduled for the 9th October 2010 for the Official launch of the Magpul PTS Masada to the public with prizes, raffles and freebies. THIS WILL BE A DAY NOT TO BE MISSED!!
The motto "Always Dingodogs" & "No Bite Just Right" - sure is Dingo thanks for your time.
Keep watching Arnies news updates and forums on Manc-AS and SWAT for stock updates and special offers from Dingo as well as his website.
Check out how to get there via the North West Airsoft Map.
Dingodogs Airsoft & Tactical Supplies looks forward to welcoming you to our shop or On-Line. Click the Banner Go On You Know You WANT TO:

Visited on the 19th of November and got a great deal on some Blaster Pro BB's
Great shop and well worth a visit. Will be back sometime soon.
Posted on December 7, 2010 at 11:11 PM
looked at the address (from dingo dogs website) on goodle maps.. looks just like a house, cant see costa coffee or the jewellers :S is google maps not upto date with the picture or something? i really want to visit the shop just not sure how to get there lol please help :)
Posted on February 12, 2011 at 10:07 PM
Postcodes aren't always accurate on Googlemaps - if you can find the Large Tesco store on Telegraph road - work back from that and its opposite Costa Coffee. If you examine my Northwest airsoft map on this blog, the icon for his shop is hidden by SWAT Parkgate site - just zoom in on that, that's pretty accurately placed. Just note the jewellers is closed down now but Dingos is still there, above it. If you need more help e-mail me via my contacts page.
Tell him Yosser sent you!
Posted on February 12, 2011 at 11:01 PM
R they still trading ?
Posted on September 20, 2011 at 3:17 PM
YES they are still trading from their shop premises - but are moving shortly! Dingos may be without a shop for a short time but will still be trading ON-LINE as usual!
Posted on September 20, 2011 at 3:23 PM
Is there still a shop opening tomorrow
Posted on October 8, 2011 at 11:07 AM
I'm told by Dingo the shop lease has now expired - so, sorry it wont be open - you CAN still order on-line and a new premises is being looked into URGENTLY - his facebook and twitter have more - SIGN UP!
Posted on October 10, 2011 at 8:52 AM
has he closed on line been down for a month
Posted on November 2, 2011 at 9:19 AM
Certainly looking that way - shop has closed down and so has website! Lets hope we hear some news soon!
Posted on November 2, 2011 at 9:35 AM
hey guys, has anyone heard about the shop? did it reopen or will it anytime soon?
Posted on January 28, 2012 at 5:37 PM
hey do you know if the shop reopend? i really want to go visit there.
Posted on January 29, 2012 at 6:24 PM
The shop sadly hasnt re-opened and no signs of it doing so -its sad as a few us really miss our 'local' airsoft shop
Posted on January 30, 2012 at 8:56 AM
are they still trading on-line? ifso whats the web site address ? as can not find it
Posted on March 2, 2012 at 7:42 PM
Sorry guys - its closed down and ceased trading as far as I know - pity really, miss this shop and he was a good guy.
Posted on March 5, 2012 at 3:54 PM
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