Helikon Camogrom Tactical Combat Uniform (TCU) Shirt - Reviewed by Yosser
Those of you who have read the previous Helikon gear reviews I have published here on the blog (you haven’t seen them? Check them out here & here) will know how impressed I was by their kit. So I thought why not checkout some more in the range – reasonable prices and affordable, so well within this airsofters means.
I love the multicam look so anything in this kind of range I’m immediately attracted to just like a magpie to anything shiny! So, it’s kind of great that most of the kit Helikon produce has a Camogrom (Helikons version of Multicam, Multi-terrain Pattern etc) equivalent – it’s just a matter of finding it!. So to go underneath my nice Helikon Soft Shell Level 5 I thought a nice modern TCU (Tactical Combat Uniform) Shirt would fit the bill.

The features on this shirt are pretty cool and show some thought was put into the design for the wearer:
- 3x Velcro panels on the front (1 above each chest pocket, 1 mid centre) for the attachment of name tapes and rank insignia
- Velcro panels on sleeve pockets (flaps and full length of pocket)
- Mandarin style collar with comfortable soft fleece inner
- Chest pockets sensibly angled for ease of use with Velcro closure
- D-Ring attachment on Lower Right Chest Pocket
- Under arm zippers for heat ventilation
- Two way zipper on jacket with Velcro flap closure
- Strengthened elbows and room for elbow pads (available separately)
- Lower forearm Pocket on each sleeve

TCU Shirt
The material this shirt is made from, NYCO rip stop (50% Nylon, 50% Cotton,), will stand up to most abuse airsofters or adventurers are likely to throw at it over time. So far mine has been skirmished 3 times and washed once and still looks the same as the day it arrived.
I’ve not used elbow pads in mine yet but the ‘pockets’ to hold these are on the shirt which some will find useful. The cuffs are Velcro adjustable so if you like your gloves under your cuffs that can be accommodated with ease. The lower arm pockets I have yet to find a use for, but feel Helikon have missed out by not adding additional pull tabs to some parts of this shirt! The under arm vent zips & main garment zippers have tabs to aid with the use of gloves etc but the sleeve pockets are missing them (unlike the Level 5 Soft Shell Jacket). Also missing ‘blank’ Camogrom panels to cover the Velcro name tape areas and sleeve pockets maybe (Just a thought). Although nice to see the name tape Velcro sections are straight and not angled above the pockets (personally I prefer that).
The addition of a pleated back panel aids unrestricted movement in this shirt which adds to the comfort and I thought the mandarin style collar might have taken some getting used to (normally I wear a standard BDU style jacket) but no worries as the shirt was comfy and soft around the neck.
For those that aren’t Camogrom fans this jacket is available in various styles including:
Polish Woodland nyco rip-stop
Polish Woodland nyco twill
Polish Desert nyco rip-stop
Flecktarn nyco rip-stop
Black nyco rip-stop

For the full range of products & ordering please check out:
UK Supplier Military1st
or rest of Europe
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This review is copyright 2011 by Yosser's Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. Most Pictures are copyright of EllieTDog Studios ©. You may link to this page
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