SWAT Urban, Saighton Nr Chester a review by Yosser
I've been skirmishing for some time now at SWAT Urban near Saighton that the place fits like an old glove. It's a place where you can feel comfortable yet still throws up the odd surprise with different game formats, new areas opening up and of course new tactics that the members come up with. It can always surprise you and bite you on the bum! Anyway I thought it was about time the old place had a 'review' done on it.
SWAT Urban can be found at the former Army barracks at Saighton Nr Chester. The address for your Sat-Nav is: Saighton Camp, Sandy Lane (turn left off the B5130), Huntington, Chester, CH3 5UE. As a former Army camp it consists of the usual Army style pre-fab huts with large grassy areas, car parks and road ways as well as large former vehicle depot areas and a larger former hospital building/compound.
Plenty of car parking is available at SWAT Urban and as the site is closed to the public pretty secure as well. SWAT even sports a large in-door 'safe-area' where booking in, chrono, and players can mingle and setup, much better than working out of the back of your car. The site even sports its own dedicated Airsoft Shop which is well supplied with RiF's and tactical kit offered by DingoDog's Airsoft Shop (see the review sponsor at the bottom of the page and check out his wares). A large bank of battery chargers are available for use and of course AEG's are available for hire which are usually in the shape of AK47's or M4 'Stubby Killers'; you can even hire BFG's which come with 10, 9mm blanks. Toilet facilities are limited on the site but with a shopping area down the road shouldn't prove a problem. Tea and coffee are available all day for free and cans of carbonated drinks and Pot Noodles are available for purchase.
Buildings@SWAT (click to enlarge)
The day was a 'normal' game day as opposed to one of the themed events which are sometimes run. The day consisted of a good variety of game scenarios which have been honed over more than 2 years experience on this site now (and yet still they constantly introduce new elements and surprises!). Approximately 58 plus players attended the event and we were split between Blue and Red teams which were a good balance of experienced airsofters and newer players. After the initial safety briefing the day kicked off with Red's attacking the defending Officers mess area followed by a Red Defense of the 'High Street' and then onto the Hospital Block before breaking for lunch. Something to note here is that players should take enough ammo and equipment with them as necessary as the games operate on a rolling basis with one game leading into the next. After the lunch break it was straight into a reverse of the earlier Officers Mess game with a difference being that The Blue team had to rescue and ensure transport of the 'hostage' played by one of the marshalls out of the block. The next game was onto the CQB block scene of many a hard fought battle and the object of taking control of the 'bomb' and getting through the opposing teams area. This game had a slight twist with a couple of volunteer ghost players which couldn't be shot by either team without loosing a life. The day was rounded off by my favorite 'High Street' game with the Reds on the attack this time.
Buildings@SWAT (click to enlarge)
The site has many alcoves, building types, and open spaces and this lends itself to a great variety of game play scenarios, many are suggested by the membership on SWAT's own dedicated forums. Talking of members, SWAT Urban has got to be one of the friendliest sites I have ever skirmished at, and others I have spoken with here also agree. No matter if your a first timer or experienced 'pro', young or old you will be sure of a great welcome by the members and staff at SWAT Urban. People are always happy to share experiences and help out if you’re having equipment troubles (the shop is extremely useful for spares and repairs). Marshalling is excellent with them being well placed and plenty of them being available throughout the various games.
Site open from approx 8am
and chrono from 8:3oish
Safety brief 10ish and into first game.
Lunch for 1 hour from about 1:30ish dependant of when game finishes back to safe zone approx finish 16:30
If you've played at SWAT or want more info please rate the review and leave a comment.
Website links:
SWAT Urban Web for all the latest info and details of games etc.
SWAT Stuff to catch up with all the SWAT info on these pages including games, skirmish reports and interesting stuff to do with SWAT .
SWAT Urban @ Saighton, Chester to close - see the news here about this sites closure and the last games to be played.
This SWAT Review is brought to you by DingoDogs Airsoft shop for all your airsofting needs.
Spot on Yosser , great site and very very freindly . Easily one of the best sites in the country .
Posted on June 29, 2010 at 11:06 PM
Almost like a second home...just one you get abused at haha. I dont think id leave most probs theeee most enjoyable site ive been to. love SWAT recommend it to anyone :D
Posted on July 2, 2010 at 12:28 PM
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