Balshall Common, West Midlands home of AAF, where the UK Airsoft Industry, Suppliers, Retailers and more importantly Players come together to have a great time! This time it’s AAF part 3, now a regular on the UK Airsoft scene, every 6 months.
Well, this incarnation was certain Bigger, Badder & Better than previous events. Edgar Brothers one of the AAF’s main sponsors in conjunction with Stirling Airsoft ran short CQB courses, where players of all experience levels could use equipment supplied for the day by EB to experience the thrill of some proper CQB drills. All under the eyes of some very patient ex-professional soldiers from Stirling Airsoft. This was just one of the great advantages of holding such events at an established airsoft site rather than in some sterile convention building.
With more vendors then ever in attendance, visitors were spoiled for choice for tactical equipment, AEG’s and kit of all sizes and budgets available, Badger-Tac even had an RPG for sale, while Airsoft Skirmish had on show a Chinese made AT4! You could see some of the very latest kit, plus some one off items and with the private vendor’s area maybe get hold of that rare item of kit!
The event proved a very special day for me as I met a boyhood hero of mine, ‘Soldier I’ Pete Winner; not only a hero but a gentlemen and a great guy to chat with. Even managed a signed book, so a great day for me! He gave a really in-depth presentation on the famous ‘Iranian Embassy’ siege and rounded up with a question and answer session.
The outdoor range was as popular as ever with people trying out new purchases with, just in case you forgot yours, safety glasses and a chrono available, great idea guys! I met loads of great people at the event and gave out loads of Airsoft Odyssey key rings, or BFG pin holders as I like to call them! So thanks to all of YOU, for putting up with video and camera work from me.
My highlights from the show have to be shaking hands with Pete Winner, EB’s & Stirling Airsofts CQB training, checking out the Magpul PTS AK Masada version and I even joined UKAPU! Plus meeting ALL of YOU. With more visitors, vendors, site organisations, presentations, products and participation events than EVER, I do wonder how long this event can stay at the Grange. LONG LIVE AAF, see you in October!
Checkout MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL for more great AAF3 videos! You can even SUBSCRIBE!
Thanks to Marie, Jim and all the marshalls and organisers that make this event so successful.
Checkout the Airsoft Arms Fair website for future dates & events
This Article & pictures are copyright 2011 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page.
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