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What's it all about?
Interview with Matt Furey-King Chair of UKAPU
"I urge all UK airsofters to post the link or embed the video onto their forums or websites and help spread the news about UKAPU" - Yosser
AAF5 is much more than just playing with AEG's, buying and selling, it's also about representing and protecting our beloved sport/hobby - The United Kingdom Airsoft Players Union (UKAPU) are a representative body set up by airsofter players FOR airsoft players.
It currently costs, £5.00 per member, per year and for your fee you have access to their exclusive forums, help and advice over any airsoft legal matters you may encounter (like getting your imports back from the UK Border Agency), a membership card and exclusive member discounts. Plus of course a newsletter.
Now don’t underestimate the power a national body like this can wield on your behalf especially when a lot of authorities can’t apply the existing laws correctly, so having these guys on your side is well worth while and cheap!
Yosser talks to the Chairman of UKAPU:
Video by Airsoft Odyssey
You can of course join UKAPU via their website or at different events around the country that they attend, like at the Airsoft Arms Fair (where I joined & renewed my membership!). The only criteria they ask is that for full membership you must have attended at least ONE skirmish event and they will check your credentials for the site you attend (but of course if your already on the UKARA DB that makes things easier, however they don’t insist on the ukara thing, which is good) or an existing UKAPU member can verify you, which has helped speed up the joining process.
Their aim is to be a representative body for the sport to ‘officialdom’, police, Govt etc etc but they can only do this by increasing their membership numbers to be taken seriously. They publish minutes of meetings to the membership and have an elected committee that meet regularly so members are more than welcome to get involved.
So PLEASE help the sport and become a member today, it’s easy and cheap! Order a patch to show your support as well.
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KEEP UP to DATE with Airsoft Odyssey via all these Multi-Media Outlets - please click the icons and Support the BLOG on:This Article & pictures are copyright 2012 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey © and Bamf International and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page.
What's it all about?
Interview with Matt Furey-King Chair of UKAPU
"I urge all UK airsofters to post the link or embed the video onto their forums or websites and help spread the news about UKAPU" - Yosser
It currently costs, £5.00 per member, per year and for your fee you have access to their exclusive forums, help and advice over any airsoft legal matters you may encounter (like getting your imports back from the UK Border Agency), a membership card and exclusive member discounts. Plus of course a newsletter.
Now don’t underestimate the power a national body like this can wield on your behalf especially when a lot of authorities can’t apply the existing laws correctly, so having these guys on your side is well worth while and cheap!
Yosser talks to the Chairman of UKAPU:
Video by Airsoft Odyssey
You can of course join UKAPU via their website or at different events around the country that they attend, like at the Airsoft Arms Fair (where I joined & renewed my membership!). The only criteria they ask is that for full membership you must have attended at least ONE skirmish event and they will check your credentials for the site you attend (but of course if your already on the UKARA DB that makes things easier, however they don’t insist on the ukara thing, which is good) or an existing UKAPU member can verify you, which has helped speed up the joining process.
Their aim is to be a representative body for the sport to ‘officialdom’, police, Govt etc etc but they can only do this by increasing their membership numbers to be taken seriously. They publish minutes of meetings to the membership and have an elected committee that meet regularly so members are more than welcome to get involved.
So PLEASE help the sport and become a member today, it’s easy and cheap! Order a patch to show your support as well.
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Join and check out the website by clicking the banner:
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