Special ProjectsQuarterMaster
US NightVision Corp's
Rapid Wraps
Mag Wraps
The Mag Wraps are available in variety of patterns (with more being patterns added!), so it shouldn’t be too hard to match a load out or look your going for and if you've had a AEG or GBB dipped with a hydrographic type finish it’s a cheaper alternative to get those magazines also in a matching design, quickly and without a lot of fiddly disassembly and fuss. Mag Wrap patterns are printed onto high speed 3M vinyl film which gives it a robustness and great finish to each design.
Each pack comes with a full step by step guide which makes fitting a breeze to go through (follow the instructions and you shouldn’t go wrong!) and for each Mag Wrap you’ll get two parts, a right and left hand side film sheet in your desired pattern. The backing to each sheet is pretty thick and peeling the film off is easily achieved. You will notice each sheet has a diamond pattern on the adhesive side which gives the sheet strength, and some tear resistance, whilst cut-out sections aides folding around those tricky M4 magazine curves, just make sure you have the correct wrap on the correct side of the magazine! I suggest checking the Mag Wrap sheet as each one tells you if it’s for the right or left side with a small magazine outline on the edge! – Check twice, fit once to borrow from an old adage.
Before you start fitting make sure your magazines are dry and free from dust, for good measure give them a quick wipe down and remove any loose materials from them. When fitting peel the Rapid Wrap from its backing and begin with the ‘Right Bend – Using the first sheet, align the wrap with the bottom edge and start smoothing out working back towards the top of the magazine. Work the wrap into any relief pattern on your magazines as you go. To aid fitting use a flexible straight edge like a credit card to help smooth out and get an even finish. Fold over and smooth down the edge tabs before repeating the fitting process for the left hand side of the magazine.
Throughout the fitting process don’t worry if you make a slight mistake as the film is quite forgiving and tolerant of being removed and refitted without too much difficulty due to the durability of its 3M vinyl film design. Now some of the higher relief patterned polymer mags may take a little more patience for fitting but have a hairdryer handy to heat up the 3M sheets as this will help to warm the sheets up in order that they can be better squeezed into the relief patterns on these magazines.
Stand out from the crowd and Mag Wrap today – it was really easy, even for someone as cack handed as me! They look good and will enhance the magazines durability and can be removed and re-used.
NEWS JUST IN - MP5 and AK mags along with 'pin-up girls' available soon.
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Are these for sale?
Posted on August 25, 2013 at 7:40 PM
Patrolbase have some in - and Land Warrior will have them in soon - thats the latest intel i have
Posted on August 25, 2013 at 9:25 PM
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