Introducing one of the new up-and-coming young 'pups'@ SWAT:
Don't be fooled by his age or newness to the sport, this SWAT regular has amassed what is proving to be a formidable arsenal.
Player Name:
Crakerz, this caught on with mates from school after a teacher called me 'Crakez' and all because my names Jacob and so the connection with the famous Jacobs Crackers was made!
in last year of highschool
Local Skirmish Site:
SWAT Urban
Airsoft Experience:
9 months
None (Yet!)

Crakez in Action
What got you started in airsofting?
Watching a paintball video on youtube called paintball vs. airsoft and airsoft looked a lot cooler so I watched a couple of videos about itn and found the SWAT site on the internet and went to one of the games and I just kept on going back.
G&G GR-16, Magpul ACR, Swiss arms MP001, M203 and an AGM M14
Load Out:
I use digital woodland DPM, nothing influenced me to get this apart from it
looks smart and no one else has it (at SWAT that is) but I am looking for a new
load out and a Viper LA Special Forces Vest in woodland camo.
Favourite piece of kit:
my GR16 (I wouldn't leave home without it!)
Top Tip:
Trust your team and make tactical plans instead of working on your own.

Crakez with his Trusty G&G GR16. All Pictures Courtesy of SWAT
If you would like your profile or team featured here why not get in touch via my Contacts page.
nice one crakerz!! pleasure to skirmish with! tc x
Posted on November 10, 2009 at 7:35 PM
a credit to the airsoft world, this guy is never a problem and plays like hes been there and done it
nutz / swat
Posted on December 4, 2009 at 7:40 PM
this fellas nearly as good as me i tell you! hahaha
in seriousness though, he's a top geeza, and you can really have a laugh with him.
me and Crakerz have done some 2 man missions in the past and succeeded greatly! ;)
Posted on July 15, 2010 at 10:42 PM
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