After a few months’ hard work and effort by Nutz and some of the S.W.A.T. members the long anticipated New Urban site is open for business.
If you’ve played at the previous SWAT site that was ‘Saighton Camp’ well forget everything you thought you knew. This is wholly close-up and personal CQB at its best and only available exclusively to S.W.A.T.
The games proved challenging and where tightly fought affairs with both Reds & Blues giving not much quarter in their running fire fights. Some tweaking and adjustment to the new site was inevitable though and the battle up and down the 4 story staircase in the ‘house’ section had to be curtailed, but on the whole the games from the day went extremely well for a ‘first run’ at a new venue.
The ‘escort’ and ‘capture’ games went down well and I’m sure these will become firm favorites with the SWAT regulars. Well done the red team for surprising the Blues just when they thought they’d reached their destination with their ‘hostage’, lesson learnt I should hope making sure ALL areas are cleared. Well done to Tommo on that score for his sneaking hiding and taking out the escorting troops.
This building really makes you think and takes a little while to get used to with its multiple stairways, wide corridors and new rules for BFG use.
Game places are currently restricted to 60 players per event so demand is high so get your name down on the SWAT Forum lists early to avoid missing out!
Some of the feedback from SWAT members:
"...good start for everyone and what a great site...thanks to nutz and staff for a great venue..."
"Straight from the word go, you can see it's a different dynamic to Saighton. Fast hard and very challenging."
"Loved the hostage missions, both defending and attacking was ace"
"Playing in a clean and dry environment as the winter months roll around is a welcome luxury. Truly we're being spoiled"
Do you have any memories from the day? Feel free to give us your comments
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