Yet MORE great Out Door In Door Action @ SWAT AREA51
With the former gardens on this site now in full bloom, SWAT Urban Area51 is making FULL use of this venue. The gardens offer some great vantage points for ambushes, and covered firing positions in the former 'walled' garden area as well as from the long grass covered areas as well. Hide, pop-out and shoot, great fun!
Hanger18 is still dark and spooky on the lower floor and proves a challenge to anyone attacking into the dark - torches are essential kit!
Firefights throughout the day were evenly matched although I did get the drop on a couple of Blues with the lesson being 'always check your back'.

Pictures by SWAT Nutz
The safe zone at SWAT has seen an overhaul with some great high work-benches setup with room to store several peoples kit underneath and maintain and sort your kit on top. Cheers for that Nutz something all the players will appreciate I'm sure.
Just some of the feedback from SWAT members:
"great day today, thanks to both teams and marshalls for giving us all another great day at swat"
"great day, great play and great friends what more can I say"
"play from the blues was great with lots of challenges"
"Great day, nice to go back and see alot of old faces again. Cheers to both teams as they played well"
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