News ArchivesNew Arrivals @ FlashlightHeaven
NEW Gear in @ Flashlight Heaven including the AimPoint Micro T-1 Red Dot Sight Clone
This is a replica of the Aimpoint Micro T-1 Red Dot Sight and weighs in at only ~90g. It provides a 4 MOA red dot overlayed on the field of view (no magnification, of course) with the red dot having adjustable brightness.
Features of this great Micro Sight:
Also NEW IN they have: (click pic or title for more info)
Red Laser & Cree LED Torch Combo
SpiderFire Q5 CREE LED module
Dboys QD Lever Foregrip
G&P AI Strobe Torch Tailcap
G&P Tilted Side Rail Extension Mount
Tactical 20mm Rail Folding Foregrip
So get yours while stocks last @ FLASHLIGHTHEAVEN and don't forget all the other goodies they have on the website.
FlashLight Heaven - based here in the North West, located in Manchester! They also have an E-bay shop to checkout as well.
Ordering is easy, as should be expected from a professional on-line retailer.
Also on FACEBOOK & TWITTER WATCH OUT for a great competition COMING SOON, sign-up for updates
The website has lots of accessories including a good range of torches, scopes, and mounts. If it bolts onto your AEG check these guys out!

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