Sneak Peek @ AAF4

Thanks to Edgar Bros and their close relationship with Magpul PTS the blog was able to get a close look at what is sure to be another Magpul PTS success in the Magpul M4 MOE.
First seen in the Dr Airsoft video from Shot Show 2011, I believe this is probably the first time its been seen in public outside of the USA on camera! This is of course a production prototype, but it is looking sweet and solid. This will be a MUST BUY for Magpul fans everywhere when released in 2012 sometime.
Check out the video for a teaser:
The AEG shouts MAGPUL on practically every single part from the stock right through to the flashhider, with branding and logos to show-off the 'precious' to all your drooling mates! If you watch the video it appears to even have a 'Blow-Back' feature which I don't believe we've seen on a Magpul PTS AEG before.
The main differences I believe between this and the G&P licenced version are that the Magpul PTS version has a longer barrel and foregrip as well as an ambi fire selector (it looks great too) and a different Magpul logo'd pistol grip (although I'm sure devotees will have a list of differences).
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Thanks to Edgar Bros for the sneak peek!
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