News ArchivesNEW ITEMS @ FlashlightHeaven
CHECK OUT some of the new gear of interest to airsofters over on Flashlight Heaven's web pages.
Here's what Flashlight Heaven have to say about them:"Soon to become our personal favourites, we have two excellent new products for you - a compact tactical red laser, and a sturdy foldable bipod. The red laser is very compact and mounts to any 20mm rail type to
provide an excellent weapon-mounted laser.Similarly the bipod mounts to a 20mm rail, but can also be barrel mounted - a very rigid rest which has extendable legs and can be folded back when not in use. Click through to the pictures at the side to check them out."
To order one go to FLASHLIGHTHEAVEN and don't forget all the other great stuff they have on the website.
FlashLight Heaven - based here in the North West, located in Manchester! They also have an E-bay shop to checkout as well. Ordering is easy, as should be expected from a professional on-line retailer.
The website has lots of accessories including a good range of torches, scopes, and mounts. If it bolts onto your AEG check these guys out!

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