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Open Blaster- Bio-degradable BB's by ASG
ASG have gone all green with the release of their Bio BB's, check it out...(I'll be sure to let you know how I get on when I try them).
Now going green in Airsoft, no longer means wearing camouflage.
The New Environment Friendly Airsoft BB for Pro Games.

Finally you can go green while maintaining accuracy and consistency in your Airsoft gun. Manufactured to exact dimensions within a +/-0.01mm tolerance. This environment friendly BB will shoot tight groups at long distances.
Availble on 0.20g and 0.25g
Nontoxic and safe for people and environment tested according to EU and US regulations. The BB's contain PLA, a thermoplastic polyester derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch, or sugarcanes. It biodegrades in the presence of primarily moisture and oxygen.
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ASG have gone all green with the release of their Bio BB's, check it out...(I'll be sure to let you know how I get on when I try them).
Now going green in Airsoft, no longer means wearing camouflage.
The New Environment Friendly Airsoft BB for Pro Games.

OpenBlaster BB's
Finally you can go green while maintaining accuracy and consistency in your Airsoft gun. Manufactured to exact dimensions within a +/-0.01mm tolerance. This environment friendly BB will shoot tight groups at long distances.
Availble on 0.20g and 0.25g
Nontoxic and safe for people and environment tested according to EU and US regulations. The BB's contain PLA, a thermoplastic polyester derived from renewable resources, such as corn starch, or sugarcanes. It biodegrades in the presence of primarily moisture and oxygen.
LIKE & LOAD TEAM ASG on Facebook
Don't forget Airsoft Odyssey while your there ;-)
You can checkout all the latest Offerings and the ASG Ultimate Upgrades by clicking the banner:

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