Versatile Training Grenade - 1st look and review by Yosser
Regulars to Airsoft Odyssey can't have failed to miss the BIG Airsoft news about the NEW BFG on the block - the Versatile Training Grenade. If you missed it catch up here: VTG ANNOUCEMENT.
The V.T.G. is made by SWAT Training Devices, those same guys that brought us the BFGX impact grenade. The V.T.G. however is their new DELAY timed blank firing grenade and follows in the footsteps of the airsofters old BFG favorite made by Dynatech.
REIMAGINED, REDESIGNED & RE-ENGINEERED for its primary training use for police/military training scenarios this device is excellent for airsofters looking for a 'bang kill' or distraction device.
The first obviously difference is the outer casing, which has a nice very tactile 'rubbery' feeling to it, rather than the shiney plastic of the older type BFG, it even has that old 'Mills bomb' texture going on which distinguishes the V.T.G. from the pack. Inside, I'm told, a number of changes have been made and this has caused some heart aches for the makers to get this mechanism 'just right' so causing some delay to the planned release date. This is good that they are going to great lengths to release a quality product to market.
Yosser checks out the VTG:
Video by Airsoft Odyssey
Outwardly, you won't see a great deal of difference otherwise and the good news for us airsofters is that existing BFG adaptors are compatible with the V.T.G. as well. The device will come supplied with the standard 12Gauge and a 9mil adaptor and your good to go. Further down the line you'll see available .22 and more adaptor kits for primers and other calibers no doubt. The airsoft version is approximately times with a 4 second fuse - which is handy when throwing around those 12g VTG's (sound is around 120db mark for this calibre).
The package comes with a primer rod which has been completely redesigned and I think makes more sense than the easily breakable 'lollipop' from the older Dynatech BFG days. Plus, you get a karabiner and V.T.G. patch. Each device comes with a full 2 year warranty which covers any issues relating to the V.T.G. including damage & failure, loss is NOT covered though for obvious reasons.
For those looking for a blank firing device this is a no-brainer and the way to go for airsoft use.

Dont forget to check the article about the already released IMPACT BFGX
REMEMBER you heard this first on Airsoft Odyssey follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep upto date:
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VTG due for public release 9th September
Keep checking the Blank Firing Grenade website:

This Article & video are copyright 2012 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page. SWAT logos & Devices used by kind permission
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