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Airsoft @ AAF6
6th Oct 2012- Reviewed by Yosser
The event seems to expand like a balloon between the 6 month ‘rest’ periods with more vendors and bigger marquees each time to accommodate them, plus the hall and other areas for private sellers – the venues pretty much at capacity, but more news on that front later! Jim and Marie do a great job of managing it all each time whilst keeping event goers and vendors happy.
The fair didn’t feel as crowded as previous affairs (despite similar numbers to the summer event) but that could be because of the more spread out nature with vendors in both the hall, marquee and car park areas.
At each event since it started the AAF organisers have managed to bring something new to tantalise UK airsofters with, this event was no exception with IPSC & Action Air Shooting from Mike Cripps and Mark Hurding giving some great demonstrations to show goers. The show had lots of regulars too with Pro-Tact Shooting doing some Ambushed Vehicle Escapes and Sterling & Edgar Bros. with some ‘Defensive Fighting from Vehicles’ courses being available to show attendees.
With lots of vendors, show goers had plenty of choice from some top quality airsoft from MilspecSolutions, Airsoft-Direct, Badger-Tac, ASPUK, Gunman Midlands, Klarus UK and Pro-Airsoft Supplies to name just a few. Sadly there was nothing really new being launched AEG wise but we did get to look at a ‘Sniper’ version of the Magpul PTS Masada over at the Edgar Bros. stand
and the Raptor M4 CQB via the Milspec Mobile HQ with custom AEG maker JJ in attendance to help show it off to the public.
(click for links & Videos)
It was great to see a strong private seller’s turn out at the event and these had plenty of people buzzing around all looking to pick up a bargain or new project.
Also in attendance was the Airsoft Engraver showing off his custom art work as well as his abilities for laser etching and custom receiver work – great for those looking for some individuality on their AEG’s. Faith Cowling and Bob Podesta also had a stall and its great to meet legends like this guy at these events and share a laugh and a joke with like minded folk.
Sadly, the venue may be a victim of its own success, so for AAF7 it MAY BE all change as a larger venue may be needed if the event is to evolve beyond its own restrictions like numbers allowed on site and car parking to name just a few limitations. So more news as it comes in and keep tuned to the Youtube Channel for MORE AAF6 videos coming soon!
AAF6 Images & Video by Yosser - Airsoft Odyssey© 2012
Thanks once again to Marie & Jim for a great day and the vendors for their kindness throughout the day, great to meet up with all the people you normally only get to speak to on the phone!
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