Blog Highlights
We’ve been able to review more airsoft weapons throughout the year including the Umarex HK417D Rifle and HK.45 Pistol which both displayed great build quality and attention to detail.
The blog got its first close up review of gas rifle in the form of ASG’s Special Teams Carbine and the brilliant new Bersa BP9CC Pistol. All of which have contributed to the greater visitor numbers.
It’s been great that the blog has been able to bring to the world’s attention an innovative airsoft product in the form of BFGX and later the Versatile Training Grenade and every success to SWAT Training Devices who have worked long and hard on this product and without which we would all be paying silly second-hand prices for old worn out BFG’s.
As usual we’ve been in attendance at the Airsoft Arms Fair and I hope that tradition continues in 2013. Also it’s been very exciting witnessing the birth of a new grass roots airsoft phenomenon in the form of the North West Airsoft Community Swap & Sell events something I hope spreads and gets more popular. 2013 we’ll soon be having the UK’s own ‘Shot Show’ type event with airsoft having a piece of the action in the forum of the British Airsoft Show – Airsoft Odyssey should be there to report direct.
The North West Airsoft Map has been revised and overhauled and is still in good use!
Sadly 2012 saw the news that our much loved urban site SWAT Area 51 would close abruptly thanks to local council interference and lack of understanding (or was it simply greed!). But as is the nature of urban sites they are only with us fleetingly until redevelopment plans are approved. Here’s looking forward to the exciting new developments in store for us during 2013.
Special thanks to JJ Raptor, Bamf and Iain Milspec for all the help durig 2012 and SWAT Nutz and all the SWAT crew - your help and support is greatly appreciated.
So WHAT will 2013 bring……….new sites, new airsoft fairs, and maybe a PDR as it never did show before Christmas did it?
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