G&G M.E.T. unit Review
Multifunctional Electronic Target
by Yosser
It’s great to start 2013 with a BIG review and we have access to the new M.E.T. unit fresh from G&G for review. In case you’ve not heard of these, they are the new way for airsofters to practice or compete with friends in their back gardens, garages, or on the range in the form of Multifunctional Electronic Target units – M.E.T..The set I have is the 5 unit retail pack and comes with all the gear necessary to set it up and start playing. Packaging is functional and contains all the intel you need to get started and trouble shoot should you need to, so DON’T throw it away! Each unit consists of a base which contains all the electronic wizardry that makes it work plus a rubber like dome which provides the 360 degree target area to shoot at and protects the lights inside.
Units take 4 ‘AAA’ batteries (included in the pack) each to operate and are covered in a rubber like ‘skirt’ to protect the plastic casings and switches etc. One unit has a yellow ‘skirt’ to help identify it as the ‘Master Unit’ but in reality which ever unit you make the settings from (or switch on first when linked together) will become the Master Unit. Also each unit has a setting switch and a speaker jack should you wish to connect it up to an external powered speaker for sound.All units can be switched between 4 different sound settings via the dip switches located underneath the units. So you can set each target to its own sound setting (depending on how many you have in your target groupings) just remember to ‘reboot’ them in order for sound changes to take effect. Operation is simple, just load the batteries and daisy chain the units together and from one of your targets switch on (this becomes the Master Unit) and then select the game mode you desire, all the targets in the chain should respond. Players have the choice of up to 4 game modes on this set by just pressing the on switch from 1 to 4 times for the relevant mode required.
Choose from:
1. Competition Mode (Default) – all modules are put into Stand-by mode, with a Blue-light displayed. The first target hit turns Red whilst all the other targets switch off and will not register a hit.
2. Versus Mode – Only the Master Target is in Stand-by mode, with a Blue-light displayed one the master is activated a countdown for 5 seconds begins. Once the countdown has completed all target modules will turn solid Blue. The first target hit will turn Red for 5 seconds and gameplay will auto-reset with the Master Target returning to Stand-by ready for replay when the Master Unit is re-activated to start.
3. Random Mode – the Master Target will light up Blue with all the others in Stand-by mode. As soon as the Master Target is hit the next target will be activated randomly. Once all targets are shot the last one will turn Solid Red for 5 seconds to signal the end of the round before it all resets for the next round. The Master Target will always start the sequence again.
4. Practice Mode – All targets will display Blue lighting and turn Red when hit. The last target hit will stay solid Red for 5 seconds to signal the end of the round before the units auto reset for the next round.
*Just remember to wait at least 3 seconds or so after powering up before switching game modes from the Master Target Unit.
In use these M.E.T.’s are extremely easy to use and I like the way that ONLY if the rubber spherical target section is hit does the pneumatic sensor trigger a hit. Even hits on the body of the M.E.T.’s which are protected by a rubber skirt around them wont register as a hit which will ensure only a players accurate hits will count.
Although these units are available individually to get any benefit from the play modes available you will need more than one and I would also suggest the longer wiring set which is available separately (the 5x set comes supplied with 5 lots of 50cm wires) in order to give you more of a challenge and allow you to space your targets further apart.
These are great units to play with friends in a garage or range type setting with the ability to link up to 25 together and a maximum wiring length of 15 meters you could make quite a course up between a few of you. The units must be mounted on a flat surface (and have a threaded section underneath them, similar to a camera tripod screw mounting point in size) they cannot be placed on their sides showing the full domed face at more than a 45 degree angle facing the shooter due to the method used for detecting a hit.
The units are available from G&G stockists in sets from 1,2, 5 or 25 units so you can add to your collection as cash allows!

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1 Comment
where can I get these for my team to practice?
Posted on November 8, 2015 at 7:51 AM
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