- a Review by Yosser
Now I can’t say there is anything special about this t-shirt but how this t-shirt puts the tactical into the humble t-shirt is by the addition of 4″ x 5″ Velcro panels on both arm sleeves onto an otherwise standard t-shirt (you could even get your own design printed on these if you wanted). The TactiTEE’s ingenious design will allow you and your team mates to wear your team and other morale & designator patches on your sleeves, right where they can be seen, especially if you’re wearing a plate carrier or other vest type accessory. The Velcro patch sections themselves are well sewn and secure on the TactiTEE so when you add or tear off patches you shouldn’t need to worry about taking the base with it or coming away from the t-shirt material, often a worry on cheaper imported t-shirts.
The important thing is that the TactiTEE holds up well to washing and is made from 100% pre-shrunk cotton, making it comfortable and soft and is available in Black, Olive Drab & light tan/Camel colours. It’s a great way for athletes or enthusiasts to add their own patches without sewing! The samples I have, have an added TactiTEE Commando style dagger logo on the left chest as well as the full TactiTEE logo at the base of the rear neck section but you have plenty of room to get your own designs printed on them like team logo’s or even advertising (for airsoft shops and tactical suppliers, what a great way to promo your brand).
TactiTEE is made in the USA by AMBRO who also manufacture under armour gear as well as patches, decals and a host of other items. Check out for more intel on AMBRO. Currently these are only available from various suppliers states side but they are looking for UK and European distributors, please contact them directly via their website for ordering and other trade intel.
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This review is copyright 2013 by Yosser's Airsoft Odyssey© and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. Pictures © courtesy of Ambro. You may link to this page
1 Comment
Great find Yosser, think I'll pick one up myself!
Posted on December 8, 2013 at 4:50 PM
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