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Here at Airsoft Odyssey we like to bring you some of the latest tech hitting the shooting scene and this one caught our eye. SIMGUN - we've all seen various systems with lots of wiring - this one is wireless and the technology has moved on a great deal since I last took a look into 'laser tag' type systems. These systems can be used along side your existing airsoft gear and the laser units fit on any standard rail mounting system, onece 'hit' your aeg can even be disabled for a period of time. Here is SIMGUN to give you more intel on the system.
"The SIMGUN DS100 is the first real Laser Duel Simulator worldwide intended for private use. SIMGUN offers you state of the art military technology. Be ready for the most spectacular and realistic game you have ever played. SIMGUN is a revolutionary system that will change your way of playing. With SIMGUN you will become a professional player whose tactic and precision will conquer the opponent.
High quality materials, up-to-date manufacturing and above all lots of heart and soul are behind our SIMGUN Systems. Owing to its laser technology, our SIMGUN system has a shooting range of over 380 meters (415 yards). Thanks to the build in virtual live-energy you can choose how many strikes lead to a kill. In addition, a distinction is whether it is a headshot or a bodyshot. If a kill is detedted the system shows it by light and sound and turns the Laser-Unit off. No more shooting is possible. With the optional Blocking Unit your (AEG) Airsoft gun will be deactivated. The SIMGUN system does not have a cable network; all components are wireless and are connected via radio communication.
Would you like to use numerous guns in a fight? No problem! With SIMGUN you can use up to 3 different Laser-Units (guns). The SIMGUN laser fits to any standard commercial Weapon Rail, or you can use an adapter. With the integrated Red Dot Laser you can easily adapt your SIMGUN Laser Unit to your target device. Guns might have different magazine sizes, don't they? SIMGUN has the right solution! You can regulate the virtual magazine size at the Laser Unit directly through the switch. Perfection can be that easy!"
• Laser shooting range of over 380m (415yd)
• Exact "target-hit" identification and instant deactivation of the system at kill detected
• Compatible with every real rifle, Airsoft or Paintball gun
• Adjustable virtual magazine size
• Adjustable weapon type on Laser-Unit for different shooting power
• virtual live-energy system
• Each player can use up to 3 different Laser-Units (guns)
• 360 hit field
• Shoots to kill adjustable
•Hits indicated by light / sound / vibration
•Ergonomically shaped for maximum wearing comfort
• fits on every standard rail
• Laser range of 380m (415yd)
• Alignment via integrated Red-Dot Laser
• Adjustable virtual magazine size and weapon type for different shooting power
• 360 degree hit field
• Adjustable size
• Shaped for maximum wearing comfort
• Lightweight materials
SIMGUN is state of the art - everything else is nothing more than a toy
Check out the SIMGUN YOUTube Channel
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