More Custom PDR Action
Extended Mag release
custom YOUR PDR!
Airsoft Odyssey helping you solve those PDR issues
The PDR is a great bit of gear - but as the players that use them know it does have its issues!
So far we've sorted the magazine issues, SEE POST HERE
And we have even got a larger battery into that pistol grip courtesy of an extended 3D printed grip, SEE POST HERE
So are you having problems releasing and finding the mag release with gloves on or in the dark? Well it looks like that issue has been solved as well, with more 3D printed parts - what would airsofters do without access to 3D printing!
The new mag release, as designed is a little taller on both sides of the AEG so it can easily be found by your finger as it does not fit flush with the body like the original, so it can be found without having to look down at the PDR now. The 'button' has been made wider so it's easier to apply pressure to it, the original is very small and stiff and therefore hard to apply equal pressure.
These replacement mag release 'buttons' are available on PRE-ORDER only as the chap making them needs to produce at least 20 to make the whole thing a viable option and also requires some manual 'tinkering' to install the metal threads. Unfortunately making these items in just ones and two's just isn't viable on costs alone.
Please get in touch with Martin if you are interested, via e-mail at the cost including delivery would be $41 USD.
I hope you can see in the pictures how much this improves on the amount of magazine release button real estate you have with this improved design
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