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Aircon Alpha
Irelands Ultimate Airsoft
& Family Fun Day
It's not just the UK and other far flung places in world with airsoft events, news from the 'Emerald Isle' of an event taking place.
Address of Event: The Irish Military War Museum, Stamullen, Co Meath (
Date & Time of Event: Sat 6th and Sun 7th June 2015. Gates open to public from 10:00hrs to 17:00 hrs
Details of Venue: Opened in County Meath on the 6th of June 2014, the Irish Military War Museum offers a fascinating insight into Irish participants’ involvement in both World War One and World War Two, as well as other military conflicts in world history.
The Irish Military War Museum, covering 5,000 square feet of floor space, represent’s a distinctly non-political but ‘must see’ educational and historical resource for people of all ages and from right across the island of Ireland and beyond.
By the time of the show the museum will have its own airsoft site which will be a huge attraction for airsofters attending the show. Short skirmishes will be run hourly to allow players to engage in games with players from all over the country and those attending from abroad. We will also have ‘firing ranges’ where the customers can get an introduction to airsoft and try their luck hitting the targets as well as airsoft rental replicas to also join in and take on others in a skirmish.
Rides in the museums armoured vehicles will also be an attraction we have set up for the show.
The Event: WARZONE is the first of a bi annual event aimed at combining Airsoft and an inclusive well thought out family day which would promote and combine all aspects of airsoft but also provide an exciting and diverse family event for all to enjoy. The ALPHA event planned will be zoned into areas of activity;
ZONE 1: This will be aimed at providing family activities such as ‘land zorbing’ a climbing wall, ‘archery tag’ as well as a bouncy castle, face painting and balloon sculpting for example. It will be located close to the museums existing playground therefore providing a choice of activities.
ZONE 2: The main area of the event will be allocated to general stall holders, airsoft suppliers and retailers as well as food and drink stalls. The aim is to integrate the airsoft and general stalls so not to exclude any group and provide an area of interest for those not yet aware of airsoft in Ireland and also to add diversity and interest for all those attending WARZONE.
ZONE 3: This will be designated for the sale and consumption of licensed alcohol as well as being a family quiet and picnic area. There will be limited catering stalls allocated to this area to provide food and drinks also.
ZONE 4: The museum has its own airsoft site called HELL VALLEY AIRSOFT which will be utilised fully to provide ‘skirmish’ games to airsofters as well as welcoming anyone to experience an airsoft game by renting airsoft AEG’s and safety equipment which will be available. As we are aiming this event equally between airsofters and the public, the chance for people to play a game will provide an activity which can be enjoyed by those who play regularly and those attending WARZONE and may possibly not have heard of airsoft before wishing to experience it for the first time.
Charity Fundraising
WARZONE ALPHA has decided to donate a percentage of the event profits to a charity and have chosen the Jack and Jill Foundation as our recipients, Charity No: CHY 12405
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