Special Frontline Dispatch
++Special Report++Special Report++Special Report++Special Report++Special Report++
In a change from the usual skirmish format at S.W.A.T. a ‘Special Themed’ event was held on the 7th March 2010. Loosely based on the BAFTA and Oscar winning film ‘Hurt Locker’ this was probably the best day this correspondent has ever spent Airsofting.
As ever S.W.A.T. continued with the innovations both in game play and style with the use of the whole ‘Urban Site’ (based at the former Saighton Army camp Nr Chester). The game saw the use of the whole site for the first time since its opening and this led to some interesting 360 degree warfare with surprises coming from all directions.
The senario involved the Jihadeema Vs Special Forces with the peace being kept by the Marshalls taking on the role of UN Peacekeepers complete with the famous Blue Caps.
What made a huge difference with this skirmish was the limitation on numbers with only experienced regulars attending (as opposed to a ‘normal’ walk on day). Each faction was given advanced notice of scenarios and able to make plans and organise without seeing each others plans. As with real warfare, when it came down to the day plans had to change with scenarios purposely being chopped and changed as well as the ever changing tactical situation. This challenged both the faction’s leaders and team members (not counting the anguish this caused the UN Marshalls!).
Highlights from the day included the great suicide bombing of the Special Forces HQ while we where all out fighting! (Don’t think we’ll be leaving that lightly guarded again!). The searching of so called friendly’s with guns stuffed and hidden in unusual places! The great job my ‘Charlie’ team did in supporting and keeping the bad guys off our bomb disposal expert Andy who did a sterling job. I suppose even getting my ass shot off whilst trying to trace an IED Det-Cord was good fun as well. You know you’ve had a great day when all your muscles ache and you nearly drop-off to sleep in the middle of having your dinner!
Pictures By SWAT NUTZ.
Roll on the next ‘Special Event’ at S.W.A.T.
In the mean time why not join us for the next meeting at SWAT Urban on 28/03/2010 (click the SWAT logo at the top of the page for contact details and more info on how to join in the fun)
Just some of the comments by SWAT members:
"Today was one of the best airsoft games I’ve played"
"All together
awesome day!!"
"Awesome day! Definitely my best day of airsoft so far"
"Great day at swat ever played so far
loved the scenarios and game
play that was complemented by the great weather"
"Top day, every muscle
in my body is sore, big up to Nutz and staff loving the new game style. Big
respect to all players"
Do you have any memories from the day? Feel free to give us your comments from this great days Airsofting
This SWAT Special Despatch is brought to you by DingoDogs Airsoft shop for all your airsofting needs.

thanks phil, your part of recon is over mate, pity the trip wire was a dud, respect mate
Posted on March 12, 2010 at 7:06 PM
Nice one Yosser cool little vid, see ya sunday, Smudge.
Posted on March 24, 2010 at 9:12 PM
Thanks for the comments guys. It truely was a great days 'softin'
Posted on March 24, 2010 at 9:15 PM
Awesome nice editing mate.
Posted on March 24, 2010 at 9:32 PM
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