Introducing a GIRL who plays Airsoft, whatever next! SWAT regular and Red Dragon Merc Team member: TopCat
Player Name:
TopCat or TC, Tracy Carroll - It’s what my grandad called me when I was younger and it stuck.
Local Skirmish Site:
....Because you've got to mix it up!
Airsoft Experience:
2 years
Red Dragon Mercs. We are a group of players from the North Wales area. We are all good friends which helps to keep us tight as a team. As well as playing at SWAT and ExSite we love to travel around to other sites for the challenge and to meet new people. Keep up to date with our game reviews here: Red Dragon Mercs Website
I am also a member of National Airsoft Girls. They are a fantastic organisation that is trying to encourage more girls into this male dominated sport. NAG aim’s to provide a national network for females in airsoft, to help provide training for all types and all abilities. For any girls wanting to start airsoft but are a little unsure they can provide a buddy for your first games to help you along and show you the basics.
What got you started in airsofting?
The lads went paintballing as part of a stag weekend and decided they wanted to play together more. After some research we all decided airsoft was more our thing, booked into SwatUrbans Saighton camp’s first game and the mercs were born!
I mainly use my ICS M4A1, And as back up JG MP5 navy and MP5K, AA MEU pistol and my trusty pink BFG.
Load Out:
The good thing about being a Red Dragon Merc is that we don’t conform to a ‘’look’’ and don’t take things too seriously. I play in DPM, sometimes flecktarn gear. I also have black kit for urban sites. When the mood takes me sometimes I play in civvies!
Fav Item of Kit:
This has got to be either my pink BFG, it has got me out of many tight spots. And it’s even better with a 12 gauge. Or my throat mic, makes such a difference to teamwork if you can speak to your team mates.
Top Tip:
hard, have fun and remember it is just a game.
Fav War Movie:
technically not a movie but Band of Brothers was awesome
Apart from airsoft I play a lot of squash, enjoy rock climbing, walking and swimming, I also love riding motorbikes.
See TC's write up of the last SWAT skirmish event at SWAT Urban Saighton here .
TC has also reviewed Dingodogs Airsoft & Tactical Supplies here as well.
Pictures courtesy of BlackSheep Productions (Chris) & SWAT Airsoft
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