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Great News
VTG - Price announcement
Followers of SWAT Training Devices on their Facebook site will be aware of the package put together to launch their V.T.G. (Versatile Training Grenade).
VTG Package
Each Grenade will come with the following:
1x v.t.g. (complete with 9mm adaptor)
1 x loading tool c/w 30mm ring
1 x karabiner
1 x vtg patch
... 2 year full warranty which covers any issues relating to the v.t.g. including damage, failure, we cannot cover loss for obvious reasons.
The initial price was set after discussions with the bean counters at £120 each but after major consideration, flexing the buying power and ordering even more parts they have issued a press release bring the price down to £95 each and still keeping the same package.....WHAT A GREAT RESULT for AIRSOFTERS!
GREAT NEWS for airsofters I'm sure you'll agree
Don't forget the V.T.G. is due for a 4th August 2012 release at the North West Airsoft Community Swap & Shoot EVENT to be held at Area51, Shotton, Deeside, North Wales. See Facebook group for more details:
Come along and BUY yours & even try it out – demand will be HUGE!
Dont forget to check the article about the already released IMPACT BFGX
REMEMBER you heard this news first on Airsoft Odyssey follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep upto date:
Keep checking the Blank Firing Grenade website:
This Article & pictures are copyright 2012 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page. SWAT logos & Devices used by kind permission
KEEP UP to DATE with Airsoft Odyssey via all these Multi-Media Outlets - please click the icons and Support the BLOG on:
Great News
VTG - Price announcement
Followers of SWAT Training Devices on their Facebook site will be aware of the package put together to launch their V.T.G. (Versatile Training Grenade).

Each Grenade will come with the following:
1x v.t.g. (complete with 9mm adaptor)
1 x loading tool c/w 30mm ring
1 x karabiner
1 x vtg patch
... 2 year full warranty which covers any issues relating to the v.t.g. including damage, failure, we cannot cover loss for obvious reasons.
The initial price was set after discussions with the bean counters at £120 each but after major consideration, flexing the buying power and ordering even more parts they have issued a press release bring the price down to £95 each and still keeping the same package.....WHAT A GREAT RESULT for AIRSOFTERS!
Press release dated 27th July 2012
Thanks for the feedback on the retail price, which was placed on here to basically to get you the customers to respond, and that you did.
The price bracket of £120.00 was our gentle toe in the pool of player’s opinions.
Our initial price projection was based on a profit basis and subject to the scrutiny of our accountants, who work with numbers and sharp pencils. The tech boys who run the company live in the real world and I assure you we do listen to people’s opinions especially people who take the time to comment and support us on this venture.
The whole point of fact for placing such a high retail price was to gauge the market place reaction which it has, I know some people will support s.w.a.t. regardless which shows loyalty, which we truly appreciate and big man hugs will be given next time we meet.
We must point out also that the v.t.g. has full technical support and internals made from the highest quality stainless steel, the debunked dynatec however did not offer such support or warranties.
To establish we are neither profiteers nor blaggers, and today with a lengthily meeting with the director’s team and accountants, we have now established our retail price. Initially it was to be over the hundred pound bracket based on a cost return of R&D and investment in the v.t.g. being in the region of £40,000.00 give or take a few beers lost in meetings. We thrashed out a new retail price being set at £95.00 including vat without upsetting the package as it has been crafted.
This price was based on projected volume sales would increase due to the reduction, thus making manufacturing costs lower due to higher cheaper prices based on volume component purchasing, in other words we buy order more spares in volume we command a lower price.
The outcome would be you the customers benefit with affordable quality products from S.W.A.T. Now if you’re not smiling now and standing there trying to sell your sister I will be very disappointed.
Kindest regards
Paul / aka nutz
GREAT NEWS for airsofters I'm sure you'll agree
Don't forget the V.T.G. is due for a 4th August 2012 release at the North West Airsoft Community Swap & Shoot EVENT to be held at Area51, Shotton, Deeside, North Wales. See Facebook group for more details:
Come along and BUY yours & even try it out – demand will be HUGE!
Dont forget to check the article about the already released IMPACT BFGX
REMEMBER you heard this news first on Airsoft Odyssey follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep upto date:
Keep checking the Blank Firing Grenade website:

This Article & pictures are copyright 2012 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page. SWAT logos & Devices used by kind permission
KEEP UP to DATE with Airsoft Odyssey via all these Multi-Media Outlets - please click the icons and Support the BLOG on:
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