Battlezone France
by Cybergun
A great concept first muted by Cybergun quite sometime ago now comes to fruition and the first example is up and running - check their facebook pages for some great range ideas - not sure it would have the same impact in the UK due to our draconian airsoft laws but - I'm liking the over all theme, concept and lovin' the electronic range system.
After more than 6 months of work, the team of Sens (a city 1 hour south of Paris) Airsoft and the team of Cybergun Entertainment Systems, is very happy to announce the opening of the first Softair Battle Zone in France, last Wednesday December 5th 2012 at 3 PM !
Sens AIRSOFT is an indoor space of more than 1400 square meters enterily devoted to Airsoft, with:
•3 shooting ranges (one is double), with electronic targets (from Cybergun Entertainment Systems)
•A dynamic shooting range with 32 targets
•A small CQB « Jungle » for the young adults
•A Battle Zone area of more than 450 square meters.
This new concept will allow the SOFTAIR lovers to discover or to improve their passion ! And after their game, they will have the opportunity to relax at the « Kalashnikov Café » and drink a Kalashnikov energy drink. Finally, before leaving, they will be given the chance to buy their favorite replica or accessories at the brand new Airsoft 100 square meters store !
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