Hunteering Challenge
- 2013
'Challenge YOURSELF'
If you are into playing the sniper role and fancy a different experience from either straight forward skirmishing or larger Mil-Sim events then a series of games being organised for 2013 may be of interest to you.
Based in part upon an Escape & Evasion type exercise it is a team test of endurance, navigation, field-craft, camouflage & concealment, the ability to work tactically with a stranger and finally the skilled use of a bolt action airsoft rifle and pistol. You versus the enemy, plus the enironment. Hunt & be hunted!
These will be 24 hour hard routine games run along the Hunteering rules - basically this is a combination of Orienteering and navigating between control points and a hunting /stalking game . You take everything you need into the field and bring everything out; there is no camping you decide where and when to set up your bivi for the night.
This video gives you an excellent idea of the tension and challenges faced in Hunteering, used by kind permission:
Subscribe to the 6mm Hunteerin Channel for MORE Videos
The games are strictly bolt action only with very limited ammunition (1 long magazine 15 rounds max + 1 pistol magazine 15 rounds max). There is no safe zone, no cease-fire for scoff - you are in game for 24 hours. The maximum number of players even on really big sites (200 acres+) would still only be about a dozen.
Rather than many aspects of airsoft that are about gaining the technological advantage with equipment, these games all begin with a level playing field and the field-craft skills of the players is how the advantages are gained. We are organising one game each month from April 2013 through to September 2013 that will be on sites either in or near the Welsh border.
Check the Hunteering Group on Facebook for more details & Intel:

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