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Shot Show 2013
KWA Booth
With KRISS and the NEW Sphinx 9mm pistol
by Mad Badger Airsoft
The Badgers had some hard questions for the KWA team about the KRISS Vector....follow their continuing adventures from Shot Show 2013......
KRISS Vector Update..................
Today we had some hard questions to ask of KWA USA about the production and availability of the KRISS. From the discussion, we gained some good and some bad points related to the current supply and future plans in relation to the KRISS. Firstly, the question a lot of people are still asking, “What has happened to all the KRISS’s?” Well, the answer is that there were just under 1000 units made in the first production run. 500 of these units were ATF approved, and went directly to the US market. Just under 500 units were provided to the rest of the world and these were the non-ATF approved models. These units were shared between the entire Asian market and the European market. This means, that for the entire European market, there are less than 250 owners of the KRISS. Therefore, if you have one, you are SO lucky! As of today, we can confirm that there are NO KRISS’s left anywhere! That’s the bad news over with.
Now for the good news! There are more on the way! The release date of this further production run is sometime during February. Of this production, units allocated to Europe and the US will all be ATF approved. Some 500 units have again been allocated to the US market, and our source at KWA stated that he thought 500 units would be shared between the rest of the world, but he was unaware of how many Europe would receive, or WHEN. So, best to hold onto that deposit money until there is an update!
One of the most interesting points that came out of our discussion with KWA related to the differing models of the KRISS that were available in real steel. In total, there are five versions of the KRISS, from the one know to us, to a very short barrel version to an extended barrel version. The question was asked of KRISS and KWA of what plans were a foot in the future in relation to these models being copied into Airsoft versions. The answer given to us was very much a “watch this space” type situation! Exciting times I think! As KWA expects it to take the entire 2013 calendar year to meet the current demand for the KRISS, we would expect further developments in 2014 to keep the interest and demand alive.
Today was something special, we obtained access to both the real steel Sphinx 9mm pistol, and the brand new KWA licenced copy that is coming up for release mid year!
This is really something special, as over in the US, the Sphinx is a well know, high quality and very expensive 9mm pistol, available in several versions developed for law enforcement, special forces, competition shooting and general protection. The Sphinx is a double action pistol with an ergonomic, rubberised grip similar in shape, size and feel to the new M&P. The pistol itself is about the size of a mid sized Glock, but chunkier and made of steel, with some models, with aluminium lower receivers. As a real steel pistol shooter, the feel of the pistol is similar to an M&P in the grip, but similar to the XDM in weight and balance. Holding the real steel Sphinx against the airsoft version, you cannot tell the two apart! Both the airsoft version and the real steel feel the same, look the same and it would be easy to play “shells” with them and not know which of the three you ended up being presented with by the shuffler! The only difference between the two occurs when you first pick the airsoft pistol up and you rack the slide back. The difference being that the airsoft version is lighter to rack and the recoil spring on the airsoft version is, of course, a lot less tensioned. Enthusiastically asking further questions, we ascertained that the airsoft Sphinx version using green gas should FPS at or around the 300 mark. This will be a popular alternative pistol to the growing number of airsofters who wish for a quality, exactingly finished pistol, that is not a Glock, P226, 1911 or Beretta. One to watch for during 2013!.........
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