Not Long
Saturday 18th May 2013
Check out their website for ordering Tickets before they all sell out
AAF7 Yet MORE from the Airsoft Arms Fair that just keeps growing and growing. Not to be out done by previous shows AAF7 will have MORE retailers, exhibitors and private sellers than EVER BEFORE!.
The trade take this show seriously, with first time exhibitors to AAF from Gunfire.PL & WE Europe PLUS even more retailers! Airsofters will be spoiled for choice at AAF7! Come along and chat to some of the movers and shakers in the airsoft scene and maybe pick up some inside intel! Plus demo’s and interactive training from Stirling Airsoft and Pro-Tact – something for fun and help improve your airsoft skills.
This year AAF7 is supporting the Royal British Legion and is holding a special auction of some great kit including so far:
• FS51 Fixed Stock G&G supplied by Pro-Airsoft Supplies
• Handgun Training Course from Pro-Tact
• One off custom designed Hoodie by SNAFU Airsoft Apparel
• One of a Kind, custom built M4 by GunMunki
One special thing I love about AAF is the private sellers areas – where you can grab some great bargains – I saw one lad walk away with a great KAR98 for about 30 quid last show and all it had was a minor trigger problem which a handy tech could fix with some parts! With a great choice and plenty of selection including airsoft and tac gear – make sure if your selling to get booked before all the spots are filled up!
See you at the show! Yosser & Bamf from Airsoft Odyssey will be around as usual to cover the events!
Check the AAF website for updates on ticket availability and Auction items
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For help and advice and a great day out get your ticket now – click the banner:

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