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British Airsoft Club
BAC interview from BAS 2014
A few days prior to the British Airsoft Show the blog received a press release announcing the birth of a new organisation called the British Airsoft Club.
Advertised as a viable alternative for UK airsofters to assert their bona fide airsoft credentials for the purchase of RIF’s (Replica Imitation Firearm), which as we know is a UK Legal requirement under the VCR Act. This UKARA alternative has promised to plough players registration fees back into the sport for the benefit of its members and even have a player representative committee to put forward ideas so its members can vote on what to do with surplus revenue for the benefit of its membership.
This as you will probably see offers a much more open approach then the current scheme. Players will be able to register and record their games on-line with sites verifying the games they have attended. This site even allows for players who play at multiple sites and if already UKARA registered 'port' their current 'active player' status over.
To find out more about the scheme we went along to the Red Alert Airsoft Booth to check out the British Airsoft Club and have put together the following video interview with co-founder Malcolm to find out more:
Yosser Interviews Malcolm from BAC at British Airsoft Show 2014 - Airsoft Odyssey © 2014
I have re-produced the BAC's official press release here:
13/02/2013: PRESS RELEASE
The British Airsoft Club (BAC) is launching today!
The BAC has been formed to provide the airsoft market with an alternative to the UKARA system to enable a safe method of selling and purchasing Realistic Imitation Firearms (RIF).
The primary responsibility of the club will be the registration of legitimate airsoft skirmishers to comply with the provisions of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006, Statutory Instrument 2011 No 1754, Arms and Ammunition, and the defence outlined in section 21 of Home Office circular 31/2007.
The BAC has been in communication with the Home Office and has taken independent advice to confirm that the method adopted by the Club fully complies with the law.
The BAC embodies a totally electronic method of registration. Players will register themselves and provide details of three BAC registered airsoft sites that they have attended in a period of time greater than two months. Crucially, these games do not have to be played at the same site. This information will be verified with the airsoft sites and once confirmed; a player will become a member of the BAC. This will enable the player to be able to purchase a RIF with participating retailers. The BAC system enables players to be transient and not be required to repeatedly attend a single airsoft site. The BAC will verify that that the registered airsoft sites are fully insured.
The BAC is an airsoft membership club and not a retailer association. The BAC will encourage structure, connectivity, communication and best practice between airsoft players, sites and retailers. The BAC is a non-profit organisation and has been formed to support the airsoft community and forward the sport. The BAC website will evolve with a variety of different and exciting features over the next few months.
The BAC will roll out in two stages. Stage one will be the registration of airsoft sites, which is now open. Stage two will be the registration of airsoft players and retailers. The BAC is free to join for airsoft sites and airsoft retailers.
Web address: E-mail: Telephone: 01582 253499 and 07880 793161 Address: British Airsoft Club, 272 High Street North, Dunstable, LU6 1BE.
The British Airsoft Club is the trading name for Airsoft Club Limited. Airsoft Club Limited is a not for profit limited company.
Airsoft Odyssey would like to thank Hayley & Malcolm for their time in explaining the scheme and for providing the blog with an interview.
For more information please go the British Airsoft Club website for updates:
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This interview is copyright 2014 by Yosser's Airsoft Odyssey© and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. Video copyright 2013 by Ellie T Dog Studios©. You may link to this page
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