Armoury KitBag
CM.032 EBR
Upon opening the box, I was pleasantly surprised. The illustration on the front was a silver/grey looking gun, with all the metal parts being silver and the plastic black, but inside was a completely matt black M14 EBR...nice. It was securely housed in cut-out grey/black foam along with a covering lid to protect it.
Included in the box is a 400 round Hicap mag, battery and charger, a small bag of white bb’s and instruction set (which to be honest all went straight in the bin). There is also a nice little mag winding key (Inserts into a small hole in the side of the Hicap), this helps save your fingers in using the mag-wheel on the bottom of the hi-cap magazine. Plus I’ve found in practice much quicker to do via a key as well.
I've owned a TM M14 before and I was looking forward to comparing the two, as I keep hearing how the Cyma and TM M14’s are compatible for the most part I wasn't disappointed when I lifted it out of the box, as it's a nice weight, without feeling too heavy like some EBR’s do (KART anyone?) and the build quality is so much better than the KART version as well. Ok, it isn't the build quality of a G&P, but do you know what? This gun feels comparable to many a "High-end" AEG! There, I said it. You heard it here first people. "China clones are getting almost as good as the guns they are cloning!" and if like many players you’re going to ‘upgrade’ internals with high speed motors or fit with whatever other Gucci enhancements take your fancy – you may wish to consider this cheaper base platform to start with. Body wise this AEG is a looker with a RIS to attach whatever you may need, although it’s heavy so watch what you add. Talking of weight I’s watch that front sling attachment point, I have my doubts as to the strain it can put up with. Maybe add something on the rails for a sling instead.
"Yeah, but what do you know BAMF?" I hear many say. Well, although I'm admittedly no expert in the field, I've owned innumerable AEG’s including a TM recoil and currently have two VFC's in my possession. The build quality fears was one of the things I thought would put me off this gun. I'm happy to say it isn't the case. There is minimal creak and little to no wobble in either the front end, the body of the gun or the stock. There are sling loops front and rear and plenty of RIS/RAS to put a grip, torch/laser and a scope/sight too. When the gun is racked, the satisfying "Shhhh-Clank" of metal on metal almost aroused me! I honestly cannot do the sound justice in words. Of course you don’t need to cock the AEG to fire it; but boy it sure sounds great.
The hop wheel is a good size and is easily accessible in the AEG's magwell and can be adjusted whilest wearing gloves. The only slight drawback is having to eject the mag to dial the hop, but if you set it right on the range beforehand, it should be OK for a game or two?
The only thing I can find to gripe about the gun is that it doesn't have the "Classic" EBR collapsible stock (MOD O) that you see on many other EBR’s. Instead, Cyma have opted for a crane stock that accepts the included 8.4v Nun-chuck battery with ease. In fact this style stock is what is currently fitted to EBR’s out in the field making this a MK14 MOD1 EBR. So is the stock design on this version a deal breaker? No, not really, as the crane stock is fully adjustable plus it can accept aftermarket stocks like Magpul type ones, if that's what floats your sailing vessel. Am I happy with my purchase? You betcha!

Contact or see their website for more intel on a great selection of AEG's and other accessories.
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1 Comment
I completely agree with everything you just wrote haha :) I love this gun
Posted on May 12, 2014 at 11:13 PM
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