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British Airsoft Show
2014 Review
by Yosser
This year the British Airsoft Show, which forms part of the wider British Shooting Show experience, was held over 3 days but it still felt like just a very minor ‘add-on’ to the main event. The hall, all the airsoft sections occupied was well tucked back from the major halls but did sport the events shooting ranges for more main stream air weapons and other shooting clubs such as IPAS and small bore clubs. In a way its relative distance from the entrance helps, in that airsofters get to goggle at all the real steel weapons along the way with some great displays of KAR’s, Mosins, and Lee Enfields and various shotguns and shooting experience days to name a few stalls along the way onto the airsoft halls, I enjoyed a really nice display of some real steel SiG’s. I would like to give a special mention to the Accuracy International stand that had any number of people drooling over some of their wares on display!
Now we can all attend these ‘trade’ shows for various reasons and if your after news, gossip, making contacts and getting a general feel for the UK scene they are great events for that and not to be missed, but if you’re looking for a huge variety of traders, stalls or manufacturers you’ll be sadly disappointed! Don’t get me wrong the retailers present are quality and are well known throughout the country and you’ve probably even visited their websites, so seeing the staff you talk to and being able to handle the likes of the fantastic MG34 on the RedWolf booth is always a bonus, plus seeing demos of gear you’ve maybe thought about purchasing but put-off buying, like the OhshiBoom Boys working hard and showing airsofters around their products, setting off a few Impact Grenades in their demo’s on the Pro Airsoft Supplies booth, which added to the overall bang fest coming out of the main Stirling Airsoft demo area storming the CQB village they had set up to show off the airsoft skills to those not familiar with the sport.
British Airsoft Show 2014 Compilation Video - AirsoftOdyssey © 2014
Airsoft Action Magazine even had special guest ‘Sniper One’, Dan Mills plus demo’s on weapons use and safe handling tips by Pro-Tact Shooting as well as presenting a recent winner from the magazine with his new ‘Andy Mcnab’ AM22 (HK416) rifle from Leeds Airsoft. Talking of prizes many booths offered raffle tickets for chances to win some very tasty prizes.
Airsofters where also treated to some technological innovations such as the Bel Tec Sentry Gun and the excellent Optic Shields they also manufacturer here in the UK. Plus many players where asking hard questions of the newly formed British Airsoft Club who also shared a stand with Red Alert Airsoft and were happy to explain the new scheme to players.
For me the area did lack a varied selection of tactical gear choice, although Badger Tac Airsoft did try to address that problem with their good range of Voodoo tactical bags, pouches and tac gear and of course Dave’s Custom Airsoft with their Regulation Tactical Reflex Pouches and Universal Tactical Clip but sadly no one was really dedicated to a huge variety of uniforms, accessories, vests, pouches and packs – something which really does need rectifying for the next show.
The show was tinged by some very sad news with the death of long time show organiser and some one who encouraged the airsoft element within the wider British Shooting Show, John Bertrand will be sorely missed by shooters from all disciplines. Our best wishes to his family.
Yosser says: The UK airsoft scene is gathering more momentum & interest from a wider group of people. We’re still however a long way off a ‘golden age’ of UK airsoft and great to see so many retailers co-operating and assisting each other at the show, so maybe there is some hope for airsoft in the UK despite some of the poor attitudes displayed by a minority on facebook recently over RoHS compliancy. It’s still a long way off the equivalent of IWA or the hallowed LV Shot Show but maybe one day it will get there.
Check out the YOUTube Channel and why not subscribe to see all the BAS 2014 videos - and more to come - Yosser65
and if your looking for some of the stills from the BAS 2014 show - please check out the albums on the Airsoft Odyssey Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/AirsoftOdyssey
THANK YOU, to the British Shooting Show for hosting the British Airsoft Show see you next year, I hope!
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This Review & pictures are copyright 2014 by Yossers Airsoft Odyssey© and may not be be copied or reproduced without permission. You may link to this page.
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