News Archives
GreenZone Milsim LTD
New Milsim
There is a new Mil-Sim experience coming soon to the UK airsoft scene. This one’s promising something different and with up to date techniques and scenarios from recently served military personal.
Players will receive expert instruction by serving members with recent Op Experience, to ensure that the latest techniques are being taught, which will be pertinent to the scenarios they will be playing out.
Events will be great mil-sim weekends promising something exciting for airsofters but for those not into mil-sim (like me!) promising something a little more relaxed as well.
Find out more….
“Green Zone Mil Sim is an Airsoft event organiser based in the Midlands. We specialise in weekend long Airsoft event planning and organisation, and aim to give our customers a realistic, challenging, and adrenaline fuelled weekend.
Our events don't conform to standards of usual Mil Sim weekend, but instead follow along the lines of a Coaching/Training event, with Instruction coming from subject matter experts in the scenarios being played out that weekend, and are generally a little more low key and relaxed. In the evening post End Ex we break for a hot debrief on the days objectives, before chilling out with a BBQ and a few beers, and then continue the scenario the next day as the opposite team.
The Green Zone Staff have 45+ Years Military experience between them and have served in every conflict zone since the Falkland's. During this time they have undertaken a number of roles, from peace keeping to war fighting, and have experience in every type of environment from Desert to Jungle. We aim to use our experience, contacts, and knowledge acquired in the Military to produce some of the best Airsoft scenarios in the Country, and we're certain that the 590 acre site secured for our events, gives us the ability to keep our games and scenarios fresh and different every time.
This is Green Zone! This is Mil Sim!"
Events are hoped to start from End of May 2014 – so follow the progress of this new and exciting group on Facebook: and Twitter:
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Stay upto date on the latest games and dates. Check them out on the website GreenZone Airsoft

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