News ArchivesASG Stuff
EVO-3 A1
We've been following the EVOlution (sorry couldn't resist it!) of the ASG EVO 3 Scorpion ever since it was first mentioned by ASG back at Shot Show 2012 - see news article LINK HERE. And its been a long time coming but at last the wait is nearly over!
News from the ASG team:
“Hello fellow Airsofters!
Coming soon to a battlefield near you, the CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1 by ActionSportGames. As you know, our EVO is hitting stores very soon. We are proud to show the world the first European developed and produced AEG.
We are all very excited about this little beast getting out to players and showing what we’ve been spending several year trying to perfect."
“The EVO 3 A1 is the first Airsoft gun to be developed and produced in Europe. When we saw the huge potential in creating a superb Proline Airsoft gun, we knew that there could be no compromises on quality and key points such as burst function and external measurements. As a result we decided to develop and manufacture the EVO 3 A1 Airsoft gun in Denmark, Europe. With our many years of experience in the Airsoft industry and high knowledge of production processes, design, sourcing and quality control, it was an easy decision.
Some of our choices in production methods have been costly but have resulted in a superior Airsoft gun that we are proud to present as developed and manufactured in Europe.”
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