G Ztac
LIH Bone Conduction
Headset Z011
- Reviewed by Yosser
Firstly, let me note the ‘requirement’ I had and what led me to this as a possible solution. I wanted to be able to use comms with a facemask and I also sometimes wear a tight fitting face ‘sock/veil’ type thing which helps protect the teeth from being shot out. So for me the bowman headset or conventional headsets where ruled out as generally all you’d hear is something akin to ‘Kenny from Southpark’. I did think of a throat mic but thought something more up to date in the form of the bone conducting headset might be more comfortable and up to date. A bit of digging around I found what seemed to be an ideal airsoft headset so I ordered it and it arrived after a reasonable amount of time. This looked to fit all my criteria as it can be used for those wearing full face masks and helmets. Small, lightweight, low profile it seems to fit the bill nicely.
I was pretty keen to give this a go so started to have a go attached via a PTT switch and my Motorola XTN. It soon became apparent that the ‘dream’ of advanced comms where just that, a dream as this wasn’t going to work. Even after trying a couple of different PTT’s etc it still wasn’t working. Receiving comms was absolutely fine but the transmission when it did work was so faint as to be impractical for the receiving unit. Now the bone conductor on the head set is pretty critical in its placement in the ear in order to conduct the sound being transmitted but even after various attempts this wasn’t going to work, add into that an active game where it would probably move slightly – it just wasn’t going to work for me.
The fit was fine and comfortable for me, that extra ‘tail’ when curled around helps retain it in the ear a pity then that it just didn’t work in transmitting sound and that’s the top and bottom of it in a nut shell. No need for any more really.
Yosser say's: Just leave it well alone and avoid it like the plague, pity really as Z-Tactical usually make some good airsoft gear, this however is a complete lemon. It is not very often when reviewing a product you come across something truly useless, but I think I may have found one! – AVOID IT!
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This review is copyright 2014 by Yosser's Airsoft Odyssey © and may not be copied or reproduced without permission. Pictures copyright 2014 by Ellie T Dog Studios©. You may link to this page
1 Comment
I've had the same problem. Two different headsets, as first returned as faulty, but they just don't work. AVOID!
Posted on August 21, 2015 at 3:16 PM
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