Great start to
2015... What a great start to the year or a brilliant end to 2014 depending on your perspective.
As many of you will know I've been producing this blog for a number of years now - bringing airsoft to players old and new since about 2007/2008. The blog as you know covers sites mainly North West Based (UK) as well as some news and of course tactical gear and airsoft kit reviews. We also cover some controversial topics that others cannot or will not speak out about. BUT the BIG news is that we've had a review published in the January 2015 issue of Airsoft Action Magazine.
The review covers the S.W.A.T. Airsoft site known as the FORTRESS, based in Liverpool. (Buy the issue to read all about this exciting venue of CQB goodness)
But of course the blog covered it here if you would like some highlights of the site:
The site has changed in some respects since it first opened - it got BETTER! but you'll have to see the magazine for that news! - hint more dark areas, light effects and a range to name a few things.
Of course we might be visiting your site during 2015 for more reviews so keep watching out in Airsot Action Magazine for more.
Blog fans shouldn't worry - we are keeping the blog going too!
Keep follow the Blog during 2015 via Twitter to keep up to date:
Thanks for your support guys & gals!
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