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Shot Show 2015
NUPROL, but you might be more familiar with their other name WE Europe are taking their range of gases and branded gear to SHOT SHOW 2015.
It’s great to see the NUPROL brand branching out into the USA and trying to conquer markets ‘over the pond’.
“You have read about it, heard about it, seen pictures about it but now NUPROL is very excited to announce our game changing range of the world’s most powerful, consistent and efficient range of Airsoft gas, completely USA legal and DOT approved ready for launch at the Shot Show in January."
You can of course hit up NUPROL up at Booth 4262 at LV Shot Show or Skype paulnicholls4
Great to see them branching out and GOOD LUCK in the USA NUPROL – blow them away in LV with your gas!
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