SWAT's Team 'Weasel' in AI Mag...
Continuing the trend of getting SWAT pictures into AI Magazine, Team 'Weasel' specially formed for the last event at SWAT URBAN, @ Saighton Nr Chester back in July 2010 (what a great but sad day) manage it now. The picture shows (From L to R), Carl, Dingodog, Gent, and from 'Easy Company' Badders, Dutch and Stesmudge (kneeling) all resplendant in their Gucci Multicam goodness! Sorry no idea who took the picture but thanks anyway! (checkout Vol. 6 Issue 8).
You can checkout all the other 'Stars' from SWAT appearing in AI from the SWAT Stuff TAB at the top of the blog. STILL waiting for the Area51 pictures!
Find out how you can join in the action by going to the website (click the banner below).

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