Lazy days & long weekends (when not out shootin') for airsofters are all about surfing the web in search of new kit and shiny things for our airsofting pleasure. Now for 'SHINY' in the ultimate sense of the word do checkout this find on the interwebs of FlashLight Heaven - based here in the North West, located in Manchester! They also have an E-bay shop to checkout as well.
Ordering is easy, as should be expected from a professional on-line retailer.
The website has lots of accessories including a good range of torches, scopes, and mounts. If it bolts onto your AEG check these guys out!

Here's what the Cheeky Chaps over at Flashlight Heaven had to say....
" is an independantly run online store, dispatching items same-day every-day from north Manchester. We've grown steadily around the [slightly reckless] service practice of ensuring no customer is ever dissatisfied or out of pocket, even if they're being entirely unreasonable! In the 3 years since we set up we have gained a loyal following and expanded to set up our own online store, as well as an ebay shop (of course). We regularly* get girls' phone numbers solely based on our top-rated eBay feedback. *-This has never happened.Bookmark this site as it's sure to grow and tell 'em Yosser sent you!
We stock a range of LED and Xenon torches with tactical mounts, as well as airsoft scopes, sights, adaptors and other accessories. We are most interested in expanding further into a larger range of LED torches as well as many more mounts and accessories, as we find the more obscure ones are almost impossible to find good suppliers for in the UK and these have proved popular with our customers."
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