I’m sure most airsofters will have come across the good ole ‘Claymore’ mine during their airsoft adventures and to be honest I’ve always been rather unimpressed by their performance and cost really. Tie in unrealistic remotes, a spring powered delivery mechanism and general lack of power leading to lack lustre performance has for me always = BIG FAIL.
However since first seeing the prototype video of the XPOWER M18 Mine I’ve seriously had to re-evaluate that view of this not so humble airsoft mine. The CO2 Powered M18 mine by XPOWER is a game changer on that front – check out the teaser video below:
At last a powered delivery method - with a choice of powder or BB's!
KEEP TUNED for a full review coming soon, and if the rain can keep off for a week-end or 2 a video showing this bad boy in action.
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