Nearly Here
HAVE YOU got your tickets for the next Airsoft Arms Fair 6, on Saturday 6th October 2012?
If not better get in soon before they all sell out
AAF6 boasts all the regular retailers we've all come to love such as Airsoft-Direct, The Shop @ the Grange, custom work by GunMunki and the list goes on plus all those lovely private selling areas where lots of bargains can be had.
This Years AAF6 promises something special from some very special Guest stars like Mike Cripps from the Elite Shooting Centre showing off his skills and sharing some advice plus Mark Hurding of Action Air Shooting teasing us with some iron plate action shooting - great stuff to see and shows how much MORE than just airsoft skirmish or milsim that most of us are used to.
I'm looking forward to seeing some nice custom work from the Airsoft Engraver - showing people what great work he does plus another new attendee to the show the Birmingham Armoury.
Also showing for the second time will be Klarus UK with a great display of tactical lighting solutions as well as Airsoft Sniper Parts and our friends over from Milspec Solutions who will be inviting everyone to look at some very special airsoft items they will have on the day (more news to come about that in the run up to the show).
So what you missed from AAF5 - what will AAF6 hold?:
Airsoft Odyssey Montage from AAF5
Make sure you have your tickets this is promising to be a very special show indeed and Airsoft Odyssey will be there to cover it!
Book NOW to avoid disappointment.
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To find out more & to book check out the AAF website by clicking the banner below:

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